Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2015-11-14 475 Bytes
int1Nov5.pdf 2015-11-14 266.7 kB
r12STO.pdf 2015-11-14 466.6 kB
SHsquared.pdf 2015-11-14 45.5 kB
Totals: 4 Items   779.3 kB 0
file r12STO.pdf  is a paper with references.  Reference 1 ( SHsquared.pdf) and Referemce 5 (int1Nov5.pdf) are reproduced.

r12STOmolecular is about inter-electronic distances and many centered STOs.  This is not a finished project.  Presently it offers an IPython 2.7 notebook using pure Python mpmath  to evaluate diatomic exchange integrals based on analytic formula for  beta=0, alpha1=alpha2.  Uncomment examples at bottom of script to run program.        
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-11-14