Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
HISTORY 2021-05-03
README.txt 2021-05-03 8.0 kB
quex_0.71.2-0_all.deb 2021-05-03 2.1 MB
quex-0.71.2.zip 2021-05-03 4.5 MB
quex-0.71.2.tar.gz 2021-05-03 3.5 MB
quex- 2021-05-03 2.1 MB
quex-0.71.2-windows-installer.exe 2021-05-03 6.6 MB
quex-0.71.2-solaris-intel-installer.run 2021-05-03 4.3 MB
quex-0.71.2-osx-installer.app.zip 2021-05-03 7.6 MB
quex-0.71.2-linux-installer.run 2021-05-03 6.6 MB
quex-0.71.2-freebsd-installer.run 2021-05-03 3.8 MB
QuexDocumentation.pdf 2012-03-02 1.6 MB
Totals: 12 Items   42.7 MB 19
Quex 0.71.2 Release Notes: 

    -- Code refactorings.
    -- Bug fixes with respect to compatibility with Python 3.8/3.9
Quex 0.71.0 Release Notes: 

    -- Migration to Python 3.
    -- Code refactorings.
Quex 0.70.0 Release Notes: 

    -- UTs for tiny stdlib.
    -- Remove absolute sentinels / check on buffer border pointer 
    -- Move LexatomConverters to 'libQuex'
    -- ByteLoader_stream based on 'std::basic_istream'
    -- Enable 'imbue' on byte loader 'stream'
    -- OSAL Embedded Demo
Quex 0.69.4 Release Notes: 

    -- \plot command in define section
    -- \run command + UTs
    -- new commands 'First', 'NotFirst', 'Prolix', 'InnerProlix'
    -- Extract 'Converter' to common libQuex
    -- Or-able post-contexts: let client code cope with with it (parse_multi_results())
    -- suppressed closer for range skipping
    -- indentation pattern consistency rules
    -- indentation and skip_nested_range adapted to state machine approach
    -- more sophisticated consistency checks on indentation counting setup
    -- more UTs on indentation counting
    -- Refinements in mode entry-exit handling.
    -- Refactored Entry/exit upon inheritance
    -- UTs on inheritance behavior of entry/exit
    -- Parallelized Unit Tests run in about 6min now.
    -- prioritized lists for fuzzy mismatch error messages.
Quex 0.69.3 Release Notes: 

    -- Complete CMakeLists.txt files for demos.
    -- UTs on CMakeLists.txt in demo/
    -- Migrate repository to git
    -- pattern defition macros/functions
    -- Edit Distance functions: insert, delete, and substitute, transpose
    -- Levenstein Automaton.
    -- Pseudo-Damerau Automaton.
    -- Refactored NFA to DFA
    -- Demo 15-FuzzyMatch: Edit-Distance, Levenstein, Damerau on DNA, etc.

Quex 0.69.2 Release Notes: 
(0.69.1 is left out)

NOTE: This release is a *major* step in terms of maturity. Quex now builds
      a complete code base (source package) by default. It does no longer
      rely on naming via macros. 

      The API has undergone major changes. Currently, the documentation does
      not reflect that, but the files in the 'demo' subdirectories still work
      as the major introduction.

    -- Avoid Macro based code generation.
    -- Quex generates the complete code base.
    -- Separate 'libQuex' and 'libLexeme'.
    -- BadLexatom detection improved.
    -- Configuration via compile macro definitions or 'CMake' files.
    -- CMakeLists.txt files for many examples
    -- Option '--no-count' to disable line and column counting at once.
    -- Setting and Option parameters have been cleaned up.
       => optional '--config-by-cmake' and '--config-by-macros'
    -- fallback number is determined by Quex.
       Macro replaced by 'buffer._fallback_n' set upon mode entry.
    -- removed default namespace 'quex'
    -- refactored lexeme converter helper functions
    -- removal of macro-generated code
    -- exclusive encoding converter command line options
    -- Demos updated
    -- Demo for include push/pop simplified
    -- Source packaging by default
    -- Unification of interface C/Cpp
Quex 0.68.2 Release Notes:

        -- Streamlined design of user callbacks 'on_buffer_change' and 
        -- Helper functions to migrate buffer or extend it during running analysis.
        -- Default implementation for buffer extension upon buffer overflow.
        -- Fix of subtle bug with tiny buffer sizes upon reload and pre-conditions.
           (UTs implemented to detect issues of that kind and possible related issues)
        -- Refactoring of buffer load and navigation.
        -- Arbitrary backward lexical analysis even beyond buffer's borders.
Quex 0.68.1 Release Notes:

NEW:    -- keywords 'brief' and 'kewords' in mode section
           (see 'demo/*/05-LexerForC' for example usage.)
        -- 'on_buffer_before_change' and 'on_buffer_overflow' event
           handlers in mode section
        -- 'ByteLoader_Probe' which can inhabit ByteLoaders to monitor
           and influence their behavior.

CHANGE: -- Cut/Contatenate Arithmetic of the monoid.
        -- Work towards complete removal of exceptions.
        -- Improved error flags manipulation.
Quex 0.67.3-5 Release Notes:

CHANGES: -- Removed Accumulator and PostCategorizer from the code generator.
         -- Removed options for above.
         -- Code for above remains present in 'code_base/extra'. That is,
            they may still be used.
         -- Renamed command line options '--codec*' to '--encoding*'
         -- Lexeme converters have been refactor to work more generally.
         -- Token class in C++, now also depends only on 'char' not 'std::string'.
            The later has become a significant performance drain in some
         -- Bug fixes: 298, 299, 300.
         -- Cleaning up.
Quex 0.67.2 Release Notes:


   -- 'print_this()' function has been completed so that state of all 
      components is printed properly.


   -- Extract further dependency of 'converter' from lexical analyzer
      main engine.

Quex 0.67.1 Release Notes:


   -- Buffer split upon include: Upon include the unused part
      of an including buffer may be used for the content of the
      included buffer.
      => Massive memory usage reduction in extensive include
   -- Cleansening of the user API, three schemes:
        (1) File name + converter (optional)
        (2) Byte loader + converter (both optional)
        (3) Memory chunk
      Schemes are present for constructor, include-push, and reset.


   -- Unit tests for all three API schemes.
Quex 0.66.1 to 0.66.5 Release Notes:


   -- 'on_bad_lexatom' handler in modes

      Codec errors can now be detected directly during lexical 
      analysis. No extra run on the input data is required.

   -- 'skip_range', 'skip_nested_range', and 'indentation' allow
      now arbitrary regular expressions as boarders.

   -- 'gavager' and 'feeder' adapters for manual buffer filling.

      By means of these adapters the manual buffer filling has been
      tremendously simplified. Example usage is show in the demo 
      directories 'demo/*/010'.

   -- Introducing DFA Algebra. Consistent struction for 'union'
      'intersection', and 'complement' of patterns.

   -- Bug fixes on compiler warnings Ubuntu 64bit Linux.

   -- Bug fixes with respect to converters using binary mode streams.

   -- Adapted API for constructors, include_push, and reset to deal
      with binary mode in 'std::istream' and 'std::wistream'.


   -- All loop-functionality (indentation count, character skip, 
      range skip, and nested range skip) has been expressed in 
      terms of state machines only. String-base code generation in 
      this regard has been removed. Code-wise this has been a major 
      step towards uniformity.

   -- Added serveral unit tests for skipping and indentation based

   -- Addes massive unit tests for converters using binary streams.

7.12.2016 Frank-Rene Schaefer
Source: README.txt, updated 2021-05-03