Home / fractions
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READme.txt 2020-02-03 1.4 kB
fract.zip 2019-12-28 9.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   10.5 kB 0

This SOURCE is older. September 20, 1993. I use parts of it in some of my programs.
You can have any parts that you can use. It is source, I think was Nantucket Chipper.
 listed while indexed: 1/16    after the function has  1/64
                       1/2     been incorporated into  1/32
                       1/3     a program.              1/16
                       1/32                            1/8
                       1/4                             1/6
                       1/5                             1/5
                       1/6                             1/4
                       1/64                            1/3
                       1/8                             1/2

 No more trying to fool the database with adding in extra spaces, under
 lines, dashes or other things to have the fractions come close to being
 displayed properly.

 This function maybe incorporated into almost any database.

 It can be used in several different ways.
    1. Convert a existing database file.
    2. It may be used at the time of inputting information.
    3. It may be used at the time of editing information.
    4. Used whenever a display is needed.
    5. Used when a printout is required.
    6. It somewhat encrypts the database file.
Source: READme.txt, updated 2020-02-03