Home / ViewFile
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
ReadMe.txt 2020-08-24 734 Bytes
ViewFile 1b.exe 2020-08-17 892.3 kB
ViewFile.zip 2020-08-17 11.5 kB
Totals: 3 Items   904.5 kB 0
You are viewing the ReadMe.txt, no need to download it.

ViewFile 1b.exe and the source(ViewFile.prg zipped as ViewFile.zip) IS PD.
Copyrighted 8/16/2020
The source is for Harbour 3.2

This version can view most files.
This reads a file, strips the control codes and displays the contents. 
When reading an executable type of file it also strips 1, 2 and 3 character 
groups known not to be words and redundant groups. Then displays it.

Basically, it will only display the Alpha-Numeric characters.

It can save a screen to screen#.txt or the desktop.

This is a beta version. If I find that something that needs attention, I will 
update it. Check your version verses the uploded date.

Enjoy, MikeK.

Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2020-08-24