Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2014-09-06 13.8 kB
Porting Center 3.1.11.zip 2014-09-06 2.8 MB
Porting Center 3.1.7.zip 2014-09-06 2.8 MB
Porting Center 3.1.zip 2014-08-22 3.0 MB
Porting Center 3.0.2.zip 2014-08-05 3.2 MB
Porting Center 3.0.0.zip 2014-07-28 3.2 MB
Porting Center 2.9.8.zip 2014-07-21 3.2 MB
Porting Center 2.9.5.zip 2014-07-12 3.2 MB
Porting Center 2.9.2.zip 2014-07-05 4.3 MB
Porting Center 2.9.1.zip 2014-07-05 4.3 MB
Porting Center 2.9.zip 2014-07-04 4.3 MB
Porting Center 2.8.zip 2014-07-04 2.3 MB
Porting Center 2.73.zip 2014-06-27 2.3 MB
Porting Center 2.72.zip 2014-06-25 2.3 MB
Porting Center 2.71.zip 2014-06-24 2.3 MB
Porting Center 2.7.zip 2014-06-23 2.3 MB
Totals: 16 Items   45.9 MB 1
Porting Center Releases:

Gamma Studio 1.9: 
- First stable version

Gamma Studio 1.91:
- Icons from 16-bits EXEs are now supported
- '"Manage Drives" window can't close' error repaired
- Now you can use "Tools"'s windows at the same time

Gamma Studio 1.911:
- "Open Recent" menu item removed
- "File" menu items enabling correctly now
- "Gamma Studio Style" link to "Gamma Website" in "Wrapper Menu Editor" changed to "Gamma Facebook"

Gamma Studio 1.912:
- "About Gamma Studio" panel improved
- "Gamma Studio Help" button now links to Gamma Studio Website

Gamma Studio 1.92:
- Cider Ports support added

Gamma Studio 1.93:
- "Suggestion" menu item removed
- "Check for updates" menu item moved to App Main Menu
- "Check for updates" name changed to "Check for updates..."
- "Check for updates..." now checks the version for real

Gamma Studio 1.94 (deleted):
- Problem with Port icons which were changed using the file summary instead of Wineskin solved

Gamma Studio 1.95 (never released):
- Error in "Get Data" resulting in blank icon solved
- New Libraries associations were made (Example: XLoader with Physx)

Gamma Studio 1.951:
- Mysterious error solved

Gamma Studio 1.952:
- Update check now is faster

Gamma Studio 1.96:
- Summary icons now are resized to fit the NSImageView field
- CXZ now is supported

Gamma Studio 1.961:
- Summary icons remotion is now supported

Gamma Studio 1.97:
- LNK, DESKTOP and EXE files now can be opened in Gamma Studio with double-click

Gamma Studio 1.98:
- Icons extraction now occurs in /tmp folder (except for QuickLook Preview Extraction)
- Gamma Studio now uses SmillaEnlarger to improve little images quality

Gamma Studio 1.981:
- Error where the enlarged wasn't deleted was repaired
- Now the improvement 'line' is any pic with less than 512 pixels of width and height

Gamma Studio 1.982:
- "Improve Image" filter repaired
- A progress bar now show what is happening while saving/loading a Port and while getting an image

Gamma Studio 1.983:
- "Get Data" can improve the icon too now
- Main Window can't be resized anymore
- CXEx now is supported

Gamma Studio 1.984:
- CXZ support was improved

Gamma Studio 1.985:
- Repaired bug found while opening the wrapper "Star Wars Battlefront II" from bonjour2X

Gamma Studio 1.99:
- Old Wineskin Wrappers bug in Wrapper Menu Editor repaired
- Screen Options window finished

Gamma Studio 1.991:
- Screen Options now are exported in WIG files

Gamma Studio 1.992:
- Now you can improve the icon quality with a right-button click on the image

Gamma Studio 1.993:
- Starting to implement the "Log File Reader" function
- Solved the bug with non-squared pictures in "Improve Quality" feature
- Now the improvement 'line' is any pic with less than 512 pixels of width and height again

Gamma Studio 1.994:
- "Winetricks needed by EXE" improved
- Copyright extraction improved

Gamma Studio 1.995:
- Support to different bits of colors

Gamma Studio 1.996:
- New layout implemented

Gamma Studio 2.0:
- 'Main EXE' moved to 'EXEs'
- EXEs Table created
- Gamma Studio now supports only Wineskin Wrappers (for a while; they will be gradually added again in the future)
- New Icons for EXE, MSI and BAT
- MenuBar's Table Menu Field is now a ComboBox of 'App' and 'Help'
- 'Add Application' and 'Remove Application' added
- Custom EXE control finished

Gamma Studio 2.01:
- Support to Old Wineskin Wrapper added again
- Brazilian Portuguese language added

Gamma Studio 2.02:
- Italian language added

Gamma Studio 2.03:
- Support to Cider Ports added again

Gamma Studio 2.04:
- 2 Fatal bugs repaired

Gamma Studio 2.05:
- 'Add Drive' error repaired (null drive type in system.reg)

Gamma Studio 2.06:
- Now the Main EXE is changed with a double click

Gamma Studio 2.07:
- Bug of empty registry repaired

Gamma Studio 2.071:
- Bug of 'novd' resolution repaired

Gamma Studio 2.073:
- Bug of 'novd' resolution in Custom EXEs repaired
- French language translation started

Gamma Studio 2.074:
- French language translation finished (Thanks to DankoB)

Gamma Studio 2.08:
- Old CXZ support was added again, but Cider support was discontinued

Gamma Studio 2.09:
- CXEx support was added again

Gamma Studio 2.091:
- Custom EXEs version bug repaired

Gamma Studio 2.092:
- French ImageView right-click options translated

Gamma Studio 2.1:
- CXZ support was added again
- CXEx Main EXE selection repaired

Gamma Studio 2.103:
- You can "Get Data" from an EXE without a Port
- SmillaEnlarger only asks to improve an EXE icon quality in "Get Data" when you press "Extract"
- 'EXEs' and 'Screen' are the main tabs, since they're the most used ones
- Winetricks detections now give emphasis to the Winetricks, but not to the Libraries
- You can't have two drives with the same letter
- You can change drive C path
- If change a MenuBar item type, it will reorder the list to put the Apps before the Helps
- You can QuickLook WEBP files (the credits will be added in the next version)

Gamma Studio 2.104:
- You can reorder the MenuBar items with the new 2 buttons

Gamma Studio 2.105:
- MenuBar items reorder was improved

Gamma Studio 2.106:
- MenuBar tips were inserted (still need translation in Italian and French)

Gamma Studio 2.107:
- A warning pops-up if you try to close without save your changes (Check and Combo boxes are not applied yet)
- You can select an EXE without an opened port to use 'Get Data' and 'Find out needed winetricks'
- Repaired bug that when you add and then remove a Custom EXE, the next ones added would be invisible, and when removed, they would stay

Gamma Studio 2.108:
- Solved bug where icon from 'Get Data' was smaller than the image view
- Solved bug where 'Get Data' replacement didn't counted as a change
- Using improve action or dropping an image won't define as an unchanged file unless there is an opened file

Gamma Studio 2.11:
- Drives tab moved to the top-tab group

Gamma Studio 2.2:
- Translation method changed

Gamma Studio 2.21:
- Layout improved for the new translation method

Gamma Studio 2.22:
- Button 'Open' inserted in 'Drives' tab

Gamma Studio 2.23:
- WIGs are disabled for a while
- The second button of the main EXE now have his position relative to the first one
- Remotion of registry was optimized
- autorun.inf files now can be selected as the Main EXE

Gamma Studio 2.24:
- autorun.inf files now can be selected as the icon
- Screen Options binds improved
- The translation occurs before the window shows up
- A folder can be selected as the main exe if there is an autorun.inf inside it
- Opening EXE, BAT, MSI, LNK and DESKTOP with Gamma Studio is not possible anymore

Gamma Studio 2.25:
- A border is added when the image is improved
- "Run EXE..." button added

Gamma Studio 2.26:
- A 'Play' button was inserted in the File field
- The 'Browse' button was replaced with a magnifier symbol
- Screen Options binds were completely disabled to repair bugs

Gamma Studio 2.3:
- Extensions support now can be managed with Gamma Studio

Gamma Studio 2.301:
- Bug in MenuBar help window repaired

Gamma Studio 2.32:
- 'Not Saved' dialog is showed in more cases
- Repaired 'No Extensions' bug during saving

Gamma Studio 2.4:
- Custom EXE functions optimized
- Image View functions optimized
- Get Data function optimized
- Import/Export WIG removed
- Multiple Selection in all the tables
- 'Delete' remove row in all the tables
- Cmd + '-' removes row in all the tables
- Cmd + '+' adds new row in all the tables
- Many general functions optimized
- EXE icon extraction now uses multi-threads

Gamma Studio 2.40m:
- Whole software optimized for Mavericks

Gamma Studio 2.45:
- Whole software optimized
- Replacement Company function implemented
- Replacement Company improved
- Get Data improved
- Progress bar messages improved

Gamma Studio 2.47:
- All windows now are in the screen center
- Main EXE 'wrong folder' bug repaired
- Drives now can be located anywhere without problems
- Bug found in NSCImageView.getLNKImage: Some LNKs don't load properly. Need to be repaired.

Gamma Studio 2.48:
- Get Windows File Path optimized
- Bug found in NSCImageView.getLNKImage repaired

Gamma Studio 2.49:
- Fatal bug in Main EXE selection repaired

Gamma Studio 2.5:
- Mac Driver option inserted
- Port permissions are repaired after saving (Mavericks only)

Gamma Studio 2.51:
- Optimizations in NSArrays
- Save Mac Drive Bug repaired
- Resize Image method improved

Gamma Studio 2.52:
- Repaired bug when selecting a file outside the wrapper
- Loading/Saving code optimized
- 'Many useless spaces in EXE Data extraction' bug repaired
- 'Unnecessary All rights reserved string added' bug repaired

Gamma Studio 2.53:
- Extensions function now invert bar (\ to /)
- Support to 10.5 is back
- Support to 32-bits architecture is back

Gamma Studio 2.55:
- Mac Driver loading process repaired
- Old Wineskin safe close Wrapper repaired
- Translation bug in 'Edit' submenus repaired
- 'Advanced' menu tab added, with 6 wrapper methods: Cmd, Regedit, Taskmgr, Uninstaller, Winecfg and Refresh

Gamma Studio 2.56:
- Fixing Mavericks Permissions is now optional

Gamma Studio 2.57:
- WSI file creation added
- Menu items enabling/disabling repaired
- WSI file creation blocked during development
- Wineskin 2.6 wrappers not opening bug repaired

Gamma Studio 2.571:
- Copyright (human-readable) added
- Added another way to find out the wrapper engine in Wineskin

Gamma Studio 2.58:
- Support to EXE flags added

Gamma Studio 2.59:
- Dutch of Netherlands language added
- WSI creation improved

Gamma Studio 2.6:
- Threads are now being used to save/load/execute wrapper and to execute wineskin
- WSI creation improved
- Bug when trying to open certain LNK files repaired
- Old path tipping style (without quotes) is being supported again
- “Run EXE…” function repaired
- Play button repaired, but it’s not supporting flags yet
- ‘Different Window Type (Screen Options) between different EXEs’ bugs repaired

Gamma Studio 2.61:
- WSI creation improved
- CATransaction Thread bug repaired

Gamma Studio 2.65:
- LNK path extraction improved
- “Get Info” icon support added again
- “Find Out Needed Winetricks” became “Find Out Needed Libraries”
- “Find Out Needed Libraries” totally changed and improved
- Bug involving WSI file with different values for EXEs repaired

Gamma Studio 2.66:
- “Repaired ‘Get Info’ icon” bug

Gamma Studio 2.69:
- ‘Description' text field in Get Lib is no more editable
- Whole software optimized
- Fullscreen/Windowed button now it's borderless

Porting Center 2.7:
- Screen Options and Extensions now avoid impossible values
- Application name changed to ‘Porting Center’
- “Look for Main EXE” button bug repaired
- New icons for Porting Center and Porting Kit
- WSI file creation improved

Porting Center 2.71:
- “WSI Installer needed” bug repaired
- Engine check at WSI creation added

Porting Center 2.72:
- Direct3D Boost support added

Porting Center 2.73:
- “Unlock Mavericks Permission” added
- “Fix Mavericks Permissions” removed
- “Set Max Files to 10240” added
- WSI creation improved

Porting Center 2.8:
- Repaired “Revert” Bug in EXEs list
- Now Mac Driver only saves in the wrapper if it’s compatible
- LNK data extraction improved
- Path saving improved
- WSI files now can be opened
- WSI creation improved

Porting Center 2.9:
- Sparkle auto-update system added

Porting Center 2.9.1:
- LNK flags extraction improved

Porting Center 2.9.2:
- WSI opening process improved

Porting Center 2.9.5:
- Version update bug repaired
- Extra weight removed
- Windows path for Z: files repaired
- Wrapper execution repaired

Porting Center 2.9.8:
- WSI “installer button” bug repaired
- OS added to WSI
- WSI exportation dialogs simplified
- Dialogs now can be closed with Enter/Esc

Porting Center 3.0.0:
- Now you can Get Data without a Wrapper from EXEs which don’t have many details
- Drag and Dropping Desktop files without a wrapper won't crash anymore
- Bug with some LNK files without any flags repaired
- WSI exporting options improved
- DLLsWinetricks list improved
- "File:" label removed from EXEs tab
- Compatibility Mode added to EXEs table
- Compatibility Mode is now loaded successfully from Wrapper
- Add to Registry system improved
- Remove from Registry system improved
- Compatibility Mode is now saved successfully inside Wrapper
- Compatibility Mode is now saved inside WSI files
- Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2003 now are recognizable

Porting Center 3.0.2:
- Original Installer Name now can be provided in WSI files
- Now the program checks if the WSI attributes are valid for exporting
- Now, if there are no Copyrights in the Port, a Paulthetall.com copyright appears
- Windows XP/2003 bug repaired

Porting Center 3.1:
- WSI files OS is now loaded
- Winetricks installing window and process added
- Winetricks update system added
- Port recognition method improved
- Old CXEx ports support added
- “No compatibility mode in new Custom EXE” bug solved
- Custom EXEs alias creation system added
- Copyright character repairing process improved
- Image sizes optimized and useless icons removed

Porting Center 3.1.7:
- Mac Drive compatibility filter was improved
- Winetricks list update improved
- Now, an alpha border is only added to an improved icon if there isn't a full blank border or a fulfilled border
- Minor bugs involving different types of port solved
- Automatic/Manual Screen Options with Bindings
- Load Web Image system improved

Porting Center 3.1.11:
- Guest login added to WSI Creation
- Text fields to insert Version links added
- Now your last used login in WSI creation will be recorded
- Just http and ftp links are accepted as Extra Files origin links now
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-09-06