Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
EPOSER-0_3_2 2020-02-05
EPOSER-0_3_0 2016-09-10
EPOSER-0_2_0 2014-12-09
PyPos3DLO-0.17.1.zip 2023-09-28 105.5 MB
PyPos3DLO-0.17.zip 2023-09-10 105.5 MB
README-lib.md 2023-09-10 6.5 kB
PyPos3DLO-0.15.zip 2023-01-21 104.7 MB
Totals: 7 Items   315.7 MB 0

This file is the README of the library pypos3d.


This library is a port of the old DATA3D library of the OpenSource Pojamas project. I own both of them.

pypos3d aims to replace Pojamas.DATA3D library with a very close interface. Application ePOSER (in Eclipse RCP) is replaced by a new MMI concept based on LibreOffice/Python.

This Python library intends to give high level operations for some 3D files: - WaveFront Files (.OBJ and compressed .obz [gziped]): * Read / Write * Groups manupilation : add, remove, optimization, fusion * UV texture maps creation and modification * High level method: Plane Split, Plane Slice, Remesh, Hole filling, untriangularization

All Wavefront functions (classes) are in the pypos3d.wftk package

  • Poser Files (.PZ3, .CR2, .PZZ, .CRZ, .PP2, .PPZ, .HR2, .HRZ):
  • Read / Write
  • Actors, Props, Cameras, ... manipulations\: add, remove, rename
  • Morph report and morph report on alternate geometries
  • Cleaning
  • Character creation

All Poser functions (classes) are in the pypos3d.pftk packages

Initialy, Pojamas project was a Eclipse RCP application based on a SWT/Java3D MMI. For maintenance reason, this RCP application will be discontinued and shall be replaced by another one (cf. chapter 4 'GUI').


2.1) Library Installation:

The library shall be installed with pip: > python3 -m pip --user pypos3d

2.2) GUI Install:

First, download the relevant GUI distribution package from Source Forge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pojamas/files/ Filename : PyPos3DLO-X.Y.Z.zip Unzip it in your usual work directory (anywhere, in fact)

  1. On Linux (and probably Mac - To Be Confirmed): Install first the library and its dependencies Launch the GUI installer\: PyPos3D-App-Installer.ods Clic on Check install first and then on Install Close LibreOffice

    The installation is finished, you can use the PyPos3DLO.ods computation sheet

    For Debian 11, you could have to add support of python to LibreOffice with the following package: apt-get install libreoffice-script-provider-python

  2. On Windows (and for pure LibreOffice Installation on Linux) You will need to extend the internal Python installation with the dependencies. The PyPos3dLO installer will help you.

    Launch the GUI installer : PyPos3D-App-Installer.ods Clic on Check install first and then on Install Close LibreOffice

    The installation is finished, you can use the PyPos3DLO.ods sheet as an algorithm launcher. As of May-2021, a limitation has appeared on Windows 10 / LibreOffice both 6.4 and >7 using Python 3.7 pip 21 is does not run anymore under LibreOffice Workaround: Install Python 3.7 on Windows and install pypos3dv manualy

  3. Manual Install: Check which version is used (or brought) by LibreOffice First, try to Install the 3D viewer (if it works, it will bring all dependencies)\: > python3 -m pip --user pypos3dv

    In case of pypos3dv trouble, Install the only library: > python3 -m pip --user pypos3d

    From the previously unzipped GUI package: copy pypos3dapp.py and pyposinstaller.py files in your LibreOffice Python's scripts directory (create it if needed) On Linux: $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/ On Windows: $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python/

    That's all, you can use the PyPos3DLO.ods computation sheet

2.3) 3D OpenGL Viewer Install:

The Viewer shall be installed with pip: > python3 -m pip --user pypos3dv

According to your system install, you may have to install some libraries: Pillow (>= 6.2) glfw (>=3)

On CentOS 7: > yum install python36.pillow glfw

On Debian 10 (i386) glfw can't find the glfw3 library, because of the installation path apt-get install libglfw3 export PYGLFW_LIBRARY=/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libglfw.so.3


The pypos3d Library has the following structure: * langutil: A personal generic package for some utilities

  • pypos3d.wftk: WaveFront manipulation package The main classes are pypos3d.wftk.WaveGeom and pypos3d.wftk.GeomGroup. Refer to WaveGeom documention for information

  • pypos3d.pftk: Poser files manipulation package

  • pypos3d.propslim: Decimation function (port of Michael Garland "SlimKit Surface Modeling Tools")

  • Dependencies:

    • numpy
    • scipy
    • xlrd

The pypod3dv Viewer package has a flat structure: * Modules: Window.py and Renderable.py * Launcher: pypos3dv (executes main.py)

  • Dependencies:
    • pypos3d
    • Pillow
    • PyOpenGL
    • PyGLM
    • GLFW


This library is tested with unitest with a target coverage rate over 90%. Unit tests are delivered in another package: pypos3dtu Coding rules are based on CNES (RNC-CNES-Q-HB-80-535) - CNES is the French National Space Agency https://www.cnes.fr -

Installation and commissionning tests are performed on: - CentOS 8, 7 Python 3.6 LibreOffice 6.4 - Fedora >34 Python 3.10 LibreOffice 7.2 - Debian 10 (i386) Python 3.7 LibreOffice 7.0 - debian 11 Python 3.9 LibreOffice 7.1 - Microsoft Windows 10 Python 3.7 LibreOffice 7.0

5) GUI:

As mentioned previously, the former Pojamas application was an Eclipse RCP (obsolete RCP3). In the future, a WxPython application is forseen. For tests purpose, a LibreOffice calc based GUI is proposed. Refer to: Pojamas for download The GUI requires LibreOffice >= 6.4 on Windows and LibreOffice >= 6.3 on Linux (CentOS > 7)

This new version of the library (>0.4) provides a simple 3d Viewer.


pypos3d read/write operations have been validated on Poser7, Poser9 and Poser11. Nevertheless, some new features in Poser11 may generate mis-interpretation for morphs.


This library is delivered under the BSD license.

KR, Olivier

Dev Notes

Add a popdown menu to select algorithms and highlight params : DONE

Add a View on Poser File Extract WFMat from Poser File - Options

Add a View in Edit Sheet * File (scene, character(s), prop(s)) * Character * Prop * Actor * Channel

Add a Menu to the viewer - Hide/Show parts (groups) - Move parts - Rotate parts

Migration Procedure : DONE

Mecanical Character Building : DONE!!! For actors : + Add 'moveto:FACE' for translation : DONE + Add 'puton:FACE' for translation/rotation For geom : + Add translation, rotations as for actors : DONE

Support for Poser12 : DONE

Source: README-lib.md, updated 2023-09-10