Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
test_data 2013-11-21
platypus.tar.gz 2014-05-14 551.6 MB
README.txt 2014-05-14 1.2 kB
platypus_documentation.pdf 2014-05-14 83.3 kB
Totals: 4 Items   551.7 MB 1
Copyright 2011-2013, Micah J. Manary

Welcome to the Platypus.

This pipeline was designed by the Winzeler Laboratory to aid in the efficient analysis of Plasmodium genomes, and has since been extended to other organisms.

Disclaimer: Neither the producers nor the distributors of the Platypus can be held responsible for any unintended results resulting from the use of the program or its derivatives, including but not limited to clinical decision making. It is intended for scientific research purposes only, and it is expected that all users understand the program's purpose, functionality, and limitations, and have read the documentation in full.

1. Make sure you have Xcode (for OS X) or similar developer tools installed.
2. Download the platypus
3. Unzip the platypus
4. Drag the platypus_install.sh script into the terminal window
5. Press enter!

Data analysis (fastq, bam, or to compare vcf):
1. Rename all input fast or bam files like so: p_fal_SampleName_ihs_1_1.fastq ; p_fal_SampleName_p.bam
2. Drag the platypus.sh script into the terminal window.
3. Drag the files you want to analyze to the terminal window (either one fast, two paired fastqs, or a bam).
4. Press enter!
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-05-14