Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
licence_MIT.txt 2021-01-18 1.1 kB
Guide utilisateur.pdf 2021-01-16 284.2 kB
Guide_Dev.pdf 2021-01-16 266.3 kB
description_projet_UIConsult (1).pdf 2021-01-16 443.8 kB
GL02 - Plan de tests.docx 2021-01-16 2.6 MB
initializeParser.js 2020-12-14 1.2 kB
caporalCli.js 2020-12-14 32.3 kB
dateParser.js 2020-12-14 1.1 kB
VCardCreator.js 2020-12-14 1.9 kB
README.md 2020-12-14 6.7 kB
sortnbrExchange.js 2020-12-14 814 Bytes
VCard.js 2020-12-14 1.3 kB
package-lock.json 2020-12-14 67.4 kB
package.json 2020-12-14 735 Bytes
email.js 2020-12-14 1.0 kB
EmailParser.js 2020-12-14 5.5 kB
emailBox.js 2020-12-14 9.9 kB
Totals: 17 Items   3.7 MB 0

README - Email Parser - Projet GL02

Description : Offer a recursive descent parser implemented in Javascript for reading and processing the Verbose Email. We have implement all the spec from the Scope statement. You can chose any folder or any file. The parser will find the Emails with the good format (the Format descrip in the Scope statement)


$ npm install

Utilisation :

$ node caporalCli.js command fileToParse / folderToParse [--hts]

For example to use spec 8 :

$ node caporalCli.js spec8 ../../donneesSujetB John Arnold --dateStart 2000_10_02 --dateEnd 2001_12_31

: check

  • -h or --help : display the program help
  • -t or --showTokenize : display the tokenization result
  • Optional parameters have to be before the mandatory file parameter.
  • This fonction check the number of correct emails in the folder

: readEmail

  • folder : folder to parse
  • filter : Can only be all ; subject ; sdr ; rcvr ; date, copy Is the field of want apply the filter, default : all
  • --args1 : Filter for a word or a string or a date in function in the type select (for the date use YYYY_MM_DD)
  • --args2 : Useful for date only, we can enter the second date, if it\'s empty the current Date is use
  • --output', 'Generate a file.txt for each email found in ./generated_files/emailParsed', {default: 0}, for use it --output 1

  • This fonction readEmail filter and display the email parser in function of the word/date wanted

  • If you want to display all the Email parsed don't use the option --args1

: CreateChart

  • folder : folder to parse
  • typeChart : Can be only be -line, -point, -rect, -square, -tick, -trail
  • xdata :Can be -date (specify the scale, day or month or year) with date_theScale
  • --format : Chart format default 0). svg 1). png 2). both
  • --nameChart : Name of your Chart
  • --xName : Name of x axis for the color use this format -> xName_color
  • --yName : Name of y axis for the color use this format -> yName_color
  • --dateStart : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD
  • --dateEnd : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD

  • This fonction CreateChart create can be create two different chart :

  • The number of emails in fonction of the date (with the scale and the type want)

  • The number of answers per Employees, only the main employee unless the chart become unreadable


  • folder : folder to parse
  • n : number of the words you want to see
  • --dateStart, For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD", {default : "none"})
  • --dateEnd, For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD", {default : "none"})
  • --graph, If you want add a graph --graph 1", {default : 0})

  • This fonction SPEC4 give the n first word that appeared the most in a text file and with a chart if want


  • folder : folder to parse
  • name : name of the collaborator wanted
  • first_name : first name of the collaborator wanted
  • -n : number of the collaborator you want to see
  • --g or --graphique : add this option if you want a graphique with the txt file

  • This fonction SPEC5 give the n first collaborator that appeared the most for a given Employee in a text file and with a chart if want


  • folder : folder to parse
  • name : name of the collaborator wanted
  • first_name : first name of the collaborator wanted
  • n : number of the collaborator you want to see
  • --g or --graphique : add this option if you want a graphique with the txt file

  • This fonction SPEC45 give the n first collaborator that appeared the most for a given Employee in a text file and with a chart if want

: nbrChange

  • folder : folder to parse

  • --nameChart : Name of your Chart default : "Number of sending Email for each sender"

  • --titlefile : Name of your Chart file default : "spec9"
  • --xName : Name of x axis for the color use this format -> xName_color
  • --yName : Name of y axis for the color use this format -> yName_color
  • --dateStart : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD
  • --dateEnd : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD
  • --topN : The n more important exchange do you want to put in the text file at ./generated_files/nbrChange.txt" default : 10

  • This fonction SPEC45 gives a chart in point cloud visualization with number of exchange per Employee

: buzzyDay <alias> : bd (SPEC7)

  • folder : folder to parse
  • -s or --dateStart : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD
  • -e or --dateEnd : For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD
  • -g or --graphic : Generate a graph from the list
  • This fonction buzzyDay gives a list of the buzzy days in the week. You can also generate a bar chart.


  • folder : folder to parse
  • name : name of the collaborator wanted
  • --dateStart, For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD", {default : "none"})
  • --dateEnd, For date only, enter date in the format YYYY_MM_DD", {default : "none"})

  • This fonction buzzyDay gives the average of answer time for a given collaborator. We have also a txt file with the same indication

Version :


  • add text file in output for the spec9


  • now we can parse only one file // before a error occured
  • readEmail can export in txt file the email filter
  • add alias for the main function
  • quick fix


  • "Undefined issue" solved


  • Now the EmailParser ignores private emails identified by the keywords "private" or "personal" in the "email subject".


  • Implementation of all the specs wanted


  • Add chart generation to the buzzyDay command.
  • Add execution time display.
  • Add a new directory where new files are generated.
  • Generation path updated, except for the "result.svg" file (unlocatable).


  • Add buzzyDay command that generate a list.


  • Add chart generation to the buzzyDay command.
  • Add execution time display.
  • Add a new directory where new files are generated.
  • Generation path updated, except for the "result.svg" file (unlocatable).


  • Fix Parser


-Add a recursive function to be able to catch folder


-Add the parser for the email

0.00 - 0.07

  • Caporal 2.0 Migration
  • Add vega-lite visualization and export.
  • Add Main feature like check...

Liste of Contributors

Source: README.md, updated 2020-12-14