Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
20230722_Release.zip 2023-07-22 395.1 kB
Examples_Files.zip 2023-05-29 1.7 MB
README_Release.md 2021-06-11 1.4 kB
20210511_PONE-D21-03838.zip 2021-05-11 2.0 MB
Totals: 4 Items   4.1 MB 0

Offline version

If you plan to work offline, or will be without internet access for a certain time, you can still use the offline version of PlateEditor. Download the latest available build here, unzip the files in your computer and open 'Editor.html' with your web browser. Be sure to retrieve the latest build regularly to enjoy all the new functionalities! The example files listed in the wiki can also be downloaded here as a single bundle for offline use.

Release Notes

  • xxx_Release.zip:

Latest release of PlateEditor. This build will be updated regularly with correction for bugs and issues reported by users. We recommend using the online version as much as possible (https://plateeditor.sourceforge.io/), or regularly check this section for updates. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs or display issues in your browser.

  • Example_Files.zip:

Example files listed in the wiki, bundled in a single archive for offline use.

  • 20210504_PONE-D-21-03838.zip:

Archived source-code version corresponding to the submission of the PlateEditor manuscript for revisions in Plos One (PONE-D-21-03838). This archive also includes the example files that were used in the manuscript and listed in the wiki.



Source: README_Release.md, updated 2021-06-11