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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
win-x64.self-contained.zip 2020-06-16 75.0 MB
win-x64.self-contained.7z 2020-06-16 53.5 MB
win-x64.zip 2020-06-16 11.2 MB
win-x64.7z 2020-06-16 8.1 MB
PicView 2020-06-16 9.6 MB
PicView 2020-06-16 9.7 MB
README.md 2020-06-16 306 Bytes
Totals: 7 Items   167.1 MB 2

Change-log Improved sizing algorithm for images, added cropping method, beta version of batch resizing

Downloading PicView win-x64 self-contained.zip doesn't require installation, just extract and run it. Same with PicView win-x64.zip, but requires requires .NET Core 3.1 installed to run it.

Source: README.md, updated 2020-06-16