Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
south_moonimages 2012-11-29
north_moonimages 2012-11-29
README.txt 2012-11-29 511 Bytes
moonphasetest.php 2012-11-29 2.2 kB
moonphase.inc.php 2012-11-29 12.3 kB
moonphase.php 2012-11-29 2.4 kB
Totals: 6 Items   17.4 kB 1
moonphasetest.php - a test script that displays various diagnostic information and
 an HTML table showing the moon phases

moonphase,php - takes the raw data from the moonphase.inc.php math routines and translates into more user friendly data 

moonphase.inc.php -  moonphase.inc.php (http://www.sentry.net/~obsid/moonphase) Calculate information about the phase of the moon at a given time

north_moonimages - moon images for the northern hemisphere

south_moonimages - moon images for the southern hemisphere
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-11-29