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phpcomdb 2016-04-28
readme.txt 2016-04-28 5.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   5.8 kB 0
- NEW: Improved sql_list_tables definition on phpcomdb-function-reference.txt
- NEW: implemented function: string sql_cast_column ($col,$to,[PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: string sql_date_add (string $start,string $part,int $value[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: string sql_get_timestamp_fn ([PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_create_table (string $table, string $columnsdef[, PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_set_primary_key (string $table, string $columns[, PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_set_default_value (string $table, string $column, string $default[, PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_close_transaction([$commit[,PLI $pli]])
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_open_transaction([PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: QRI sql_select_nrows(string $query,int $nrows[,PLI $pli]])
- NEW: added favicon.ico and phpcomdb.png project icons in webtest folder
- NEW: phpcomdb.porting.from.mysql.txt modified to include latest updates
- NEW: added readme.txt in webtest folder
- NEW: added copyright notice on source files head

NOTES: have been added some utility functions to ease the portability of code with DDL calls (as create tables, setup primary keys or default values for a colums, and alike) and transactions management.

*** WARNING ***
The functions sql_data_seek(), sql_field_name() and  sql_fetch_array() had their parameters order modified and this version of phpcomdb will breaks portability from older versions.
If you planning to upgrade from older versions, you have to check the use of those functions and correct the parameters order (the $pli parameter was put as last one).
*** WARNING ***

- BUGFIX: function sql_insert_blob were returning QRI type instead of the correct bool type
- NEW: sql_data_seek have changed to bool sql_data_seek (QRI $qri,int $offset[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: sql_field_name have changed to string sql_field_name (QRI $qri,int $offset[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: sql_fetch_array have changed to array sql_fetch_array (QRI $qri[,string $mode = 'both'[,PLI $pli]])
- NEW: global variable $phpcomdb_pli has been added, it will contain the result of last successful call to sql_connect()
- NEW: parameter $pli has been defaulted in all functions requiring that
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_update_blob (string $table,string $where,string $blobcol,string $blobfilename[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: array sql_get_client_info(void)
- NEW: implemented function: bool sql_data_seek($qri, int $offset[, PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: int sql_errno([PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: string sql_escape_string(string $val[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: string sql_escape_binary (string $val[,PLI $pli])
- NEW: implemented function: object sql_fetch_object(resource $qri[,PLI $pli])
- OTHER: file phpcomdb-function-reference.txt, added types info in function declarations (arguments and return types)
- OTHER: PHPCOMDB sets the supported PHP version from PHP 5.3.8 and greater
- OTHER: PHPCOMDB sets the supported MySQL database version from MySQL 4.1.0 and greater
- OTHER: PHPCOMDB sets the supported Microsoft SQL Server database version from SQL Server 6 and greater

NOTES: backward portability: all calls to sql_data_seek() have to be corrected to match the new parameters order.
NOTES: backward portability: all calls to sql_field_name() have to be corrected to match the new parameters order.
NOTES: backward portability: all calls to sql_fetch_array() have to be corrected to match the new parameters order.

- BUGFIX: mysql version of function sql_list_tables was undefined
- BUGFIX: mssql version of function sql_list_tables was undefined
- NEW: parameter $forceConnect of function sql_connect now working for mssql DB type, too
- NEW: mysql support of function sql_insert_blob
- NEW: added web pages, in a new folder "webtest", to use for regression and new development tests. Start page is "phpcomdb-test-index.php" WARNING: you do not want have that pages on your production website, because they are meant for internal testing only, and there is NO sql-injection or any hacking checks. BE WARNED! You must configure the script phpcomdb-test.php before using this tool.
- OTHER: functions listed in phpcomdb-function-reference.txt are now sorted in alphabetical order
- OTHER: phpcomdb.php, more comments
- OTHER: phpcomdb-function-reference.txt, more comments

- NEW: function sql_insert_blob ($query,$blobfilename,$pli) (mssql supported only)
- partial support for inserting BLOB data, by the function sql_insert_blob (mssql supported only)
- phpcomdb.changelog.txt renamed to readme.txt
- phpcomdb.porting.from.mysql.txt: corrected aesthetic typos
- BUGFIX: trailing newlines at end of scripts, will interfere with output of raw data by php (e.g. using header commands to output documents as files to save, any output had 2 CR-LF couples bytes at start of document data)
- zipped files are now placed on 'phpcomdb' directory

- BUGFIX: sql_generated_id reporting last trigger-generated ID instead the SQL generated ID, when performed on MSSQL type database.
- BUGFIX: sql_mssql_generated_id using now scope_identity() in place of @@IDENTITY
- removed phpcomdb.relnotes.txt, duplicate of phpcomdb.changelog.txt file.

- phpcomdb.php internal changelog removed, all updates will be in this file.
- sql_connect(), sql_mysql_connect(), sql_mssql_connect() were returning wrong type
- phpcomdb-function-reference:
- sql_fetch_array had wrong arguments order

- Bug fixing to make it work with test sites, mysql based.
mssql suite still to test...

- First release
Source: readme.txt, updated 2016-04-28