Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
setup_pfactris_1.6.exe 2022-01-31 23.4 MB
Pfactris_1.6.3.tar 2022-01-31 317.4 kB
Install.txt 2022-01-30 1.5 kB
readme.txt 2022-01-30 2.9 kB
setup_pfactris_1.5.exe 2022-01-17 23.4 MB
Pfactris_1.5.6.tar 2022-01-17 256.0 kB
Totals: 6 Items   47.3 MB 0
Pfactris Rules

17th Jan 2022

Ignore this if you have just installed the Windows version.
See the file Install.txt if you want to install the Python source code.

Tetris-like, but arithmetical, each tile has an integer on it.
Drop a tile onto a tile below so that the numbers cancel by dividing each other.
Once a tile drops and cancels with the tile below,
it will attempt to cancel the next tile below that and so on.

The way it cancels depends on division type. Click "Change type" to change division type.
If "Exact Division" is selected then the two numbers on the tiles must divide exactly.
6 dropping on 3 will result in a single 2 tile.
3 dropping on 6 will result in a single 2 tile.
6 dropping on 4 will just result in a 6 sitting on top of a 4.
4 dropping on 6 will just result in a 4 sitting on top of a 6.

If "Common Divisors" is selected the game is much easier:
6 dropping on 3 will result in a single 2 tile, as before.
3 dropping on 6 will result in a single 2 tile, sa before.
6 dropping on 4 will result in a 3 sitting on top of a 2, because the common divisor 2 cancelled out.
4 dropping on 6 will result in a 2 sitting on top of a 3, because the common divisor 2 cancelled out.

If no more below-cancellations happen it will also try to cancel with the tile to the left
and then the tile to the right of it.
Finally, any adjacent tiles with equal integers will cancel each other out and blink out.

To make things easier, prime numbers have yellow text, composites (i.e. non-primes) are red.
Version 1.6 and later, fill a row with primes and the row vanishes,. (This is not a bad game strategy.)

Your score goes up by the number on the tile cancelled. eg a 10 dropping on a 5 will get you 5 points.
If you succeed in clearing the screen you get a bonus: Your score is multiplied by 10.

Left Arrow: Move a falling tile to left
Right Arrow: Move a falling tile to right
Down Arrow: Make dropping tile drop fast.
Space bar: Start new game, Pause/Resume running game, Pause/Cheat if you need to time to think!

START: Start a new game, Pause a running game, or resume a Paused game.
RESET: Reset a Paused game to a brand new game, zero the score.	

Change Difficulty Level
Click "Incease Speed" and "Decrease Speed"

Change the maximum number that can be on a tile by clicking "+10" or "-10". (only click when Paused)
When first learning this game start low (max = 9). You quickly get better as your brain gets trained.
Max=20 is still not bad, Max=50 starts getting hard and Max=100 is hard.

"Exact Division" is a more difficult game than "Common Divisors". (only click when Paused)

          ||Good Luck!||

Source: readme.txt, updated 2022-01-30