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Compiled Toolchain Sources 2013-05-18
Compiler Bootstrap Build Environment Sources 2011-11-06
Totals: 2 Items   0
20130519 RELEASE 19 May 2013

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0.8 Stable revision 5746
gcc version updated to version 4.6.4
binutils updated to to version 2.23.2
expat updated to version 2.1.0

20121012 RELEASE 12 October 2012

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0.x Stable revision 5421

build environment support libraries updated to:

  gmp    5.0.5
  mpfr   3.1.1
  mpc    1.0.1
  ppl    0.12.1
  isl    0.10
  cloog  0.17.0
updated GL headers from Sept 2012 included

objc and objc++ no longer included

20120411 RELEASE 11 April 2012

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0.x Stable revision 4936

20120310 RELEASE 10 March 2012

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0.x Stable revision 4892
gcc is updated to release 4.6.3
binutils is updated to 

20111122 RELEASE 22 November 2011

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0 Stable revision 4630

20111115 RELEASE 15 November 2011

mingw-w64-crt is updated to 2.0 Stable revision 4605

20111112 RELEASE 12 November 2011

This release bumps gcc dependency mpfr to versions 3.1.0 and
now includes gdiplus headers and library from the win32api
project version 3.17-2. The separate gdiplus library pack 
remains available for use with Platform SDK headers. Note that
the libgdiplus.a is different in each case. Remember to 
replace it in addition to the headers if you use the gdiplus
library pack.

Source: README_cmgfp_main.txt, updated 2013-05-18