Home / Source / HandOver_Module
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src 2011-06-08
script 2011-06-08
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This folder contains the source code for the PERIMETER project.

The folder Documentation contains the following directories:
	Setup - contains instructions on how to setup and run PERIMETER
	Technical_Manual - contains the technical manuals of PERIMETER
	JavaDoc - contains the JavaDoc in HTML and PDF format for PERIMETER

The folder Source contains the following directories:
	HandOver_Module - contains the Handover Android Kernel module
	Terminal - contains the source code for the Android terminal device
	Support_Node - contains the Java source code for the support node

For more reports and info please refer to http://www.ict-perimeter.eu/.

The PERIMETER Project (FP7 - 224024) is co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for RTD. 

Source: readme.TXT, updated 2011-05-24