*PePa* helps you organize software that you need to install manually
from sources. Typically, you dedicate a directory as a repository for
packages. The packages are actually just directories, into which a
given software got installed (think of the `DESTDIR`). For each
package, *PePa* generates an *index* describing its contents and the
package can then be *activated* or *deactivated* by linking/unlinking
its contents with the filesystem structure.
Who can benefit from using *PePa*?
Every user of UNIX-like operating systems who wants to install
something from sources, because:
- the particular operating system does not provide the given piece of
software or it offers only outdated version
- the user is unprivileged and is not allowed to install software by
himself - like in computational centres
- the user is developing / testing / debugging the software
- just because
- unprivileged package management
- command line