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Penpossible-New 2024-07-25
penpossible.zip 2017-02-23 361.6 kB
penpossiblehelp.pdf 2017-02-23 68.5 kB
readme.txt 2017-02-23 6.1 kB
penpossibleunicode.png 2017-02-16 771.9 kB
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No dependency text scanner from  temporaryunderobservation@gmail.com

        Application scans a given textual string in 146 pen on paper possible combinations-horizontal, vertical, diagonal, reverse, join top, join bottom, groups(2/3/4..), edges & in quadrant dimensions of your choice. As given below, first 14 results appear crucial, others possible too are placed below it. Useful for decoding works, dongles & other security related approval works of programmers. Beginners VB coding very simple math. Do not believe in on error resume next, have read, none of OS could ever work w/o such an approach, which is not a good news, load them all on one database & all youngsters will make sure no on error resume next is ever required. Proves maturity of maths “developed” is far far away for our times, hence is plain algorithm- not efficient, best, fastest in any respects (will consume time which cannot afford for such technical work, especially 3 dimensional arrays will be efficient), also all operations be separated, actions named. For non-english unicode languages strreverse can be replaced with better function which handles pairs, symbols of unicode languages, have included a UNICODE devanagari 0900 range. Caution : making ss boolean = false or NEGATIVE on right will collapse this logic & complete failure chaotic results will arrive. No external classes pipes, casts, relational, api, dll dependencies or any cyber security library is required. Maths, logic may remain the same whatever programming language is used, so adapting it for existing 200 programming languages should be a simpler ask, secondary to initial efforts or energy spent in developing it. Fairly easy remedy -does not require space, rocket science knowledge, let me know if you have any technical addition or remark: temporaryunderobservation@gmail.com. 
If you find any problems cooked up in the code, or such an access kindly let me know by email.

1. First string simply joins all words as we write without spaces- school level pen paper
2. Second string reverses the first string
3. Third string scans diagonally the text starting from top left corner ends with bottom right
result = abdcegfhi
4. Fourth string reverses the third string
5. Fifth string scans diagonally the text starting from bottom right corner ending with top left result =  ifhcegbda
6. sixth string reverses fifth
7. seventh string scans diagonally the text starting from left top corner ending with bottom right corner. result = cbfaeidhg
8. eighth reverses seventh
9. ninth string scans diagonally the text starting from bottom left corner ending with right top corner. result = gdhaeibfc
10. tenth string reverses the ninth
11.  the eleventh string scans diagonally starting from top right corner ending with bottom left corner result =  cfbieahdg
12.  this string reverse of 11'th string
13.  this string does a vertical addition starting from left column & ending with right most column
14.  this string reverses 13
Until now you could lift up the pen to start from top or bottom ...now all given below are same as above except you are not allowed to lift the pen --this yields results like 

15.  string simply joins all words without spaces where every alternate word appears in reverse possible by pen on paper
16.  reverse of 15
17.  yields adbceghfi top left to bottom right diagonally (no lifting of pen allowed)
18.  yields ifhgecbda as reverse above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
19.  yields ihfcegdba as 5 above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
20. yields  abdgecfhi as reverse of above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
21. yields cbfieadhg as 7 above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
22. yields ghdaeifbc as reverse of above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
23. yields gdhieabfc as 9 above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
24. yields cfbaeihdg as reverse of above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
25. yields adghebcfi as 11 above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
26. yields ifcbehgda as reverse of above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
27. yields ifcbehgda as 13 above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
28. yields adghebcfi as reverse of above  (no lifting of pen allowed)
29. yields abcgdefhi – this is special square scanning possible by pen starting from outer square like abcfihgd—this scan requires a perfect square (change base value to 3 to get one or ignore this result)
30. yields ihfedgcba – this reverses 29
31. yields abcfihgde – this is powerful square scanner which scans @ flexibility of any text length size of any words
32. yields edghifcba- reverses 31
33. 33 to 76 yields same directional scanning as above but with co-group decided by letter length. Includes reverse. alternate toggle (no lifting pen). Strict pairing insures side letters not joined to the first top right or left
34. 77 to 106 includes the remaining three corners edge L shaped collection & their reverses, grouping per letter number & rev toggling. Note: First left corner is covered in 29, 30
35.  106 to 146 is quadrant scanning where minimum dimension is 1,1 and maximum quadrant dimensions is vertical maximum = number of words & horizontal maximum is maximum word length used. In source code tlh top left, tlv top right of rectangle. Example: 
def  where abed will be 2 x 2 quadrant (4 sides) or abehgd will be 2x3. Collection is via horizontal & vertical scan.
includes collections reverses, grouping per letter number & toggling (no lifting the pen)
36. reverse partner gives all results again from 1-76 but with reverse pairing the alphabet like a-z, b-y, c-x etc..

( if you discover any more pen paper combinations kindly suggest them to me 
-will add them asap- for example: shape shifting quadrants, corner adders look experimental)

(require an animation GIF to easily visualize all 146 scans- will ensure the scanner has covered
 all possible pen on paper combinations—will appreciate if any animation expert spends some time on this work log -algorithm efficiency can also be found from animation of loops -maybe next generation compilers visual studio etc will have them )

Source: readme.txt, updated 2017-02-23