Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PacMan2.pdf 2012-02-21 745.0 kB
pacman2family.zip 2012-02-21 14.7 MB
pacman2_readme.txt 2011-10-04 14.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   15.5 MB 0
note: readme file is for version 2.2 
      latest release : version 2.4 - Pacman2 Family - Network Edition

|   PacMan 2    |
|  The Family   |
|    Network    |
|    Edition    |
|   volume 1    |
|   2D World    |
|   volume 2    |
|  CubicPrison  |

|- pacman with new levels and new graphiX just for you -|
|     PacMan, PacWoman and PacKids - The Pacs Family    |
|                      # versus #                       |
|  PacMad, PacEcoBitch, RedTankYou, GrayThankU, Truck   |
|                      and others                       |
|                                                       |
|    with scripts(doors,lockers,...) and lot of fun     |   
| It can also be played in two players mode if you wish |
|  AND OFCOURSE IN NETWORK MODE                         |
+ Gnupyright (G) 1996-2011, AlphaX (R) Team   +
+                                             +
+        For license please read              +
+ "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" +
+            and GPL V2...                    +

| Programmed by Mihai Barboi (aka Zdupy), Romania, Eu                |
| Music by Alex Botez (aka KitzBas), Ro, Eu                          |
| Bug testers&advice : Aethry (aka Andrei) & Ioana2sagwa (aka Ioana) |
| Thanks to : OCW.MIT.EDU, ICHB, SC24                                |

[ Special thanks : Matei Valeanu, Shmen, KitzBas, Acdejay, AlexT,    ]
[                  Avatar, MasterAdy, TheBoss, Aris, Marius, Manucu' ]
[                  Burbelica & many others ...                       ]
[ Also many thanks to the FreeBASIC32 compiler/FBEDIT teams and to   ]
[ the rest of FB32 programmers !                                     ]
[ Thanks to : nkk_kan[at]yahoo[dot]com for fmod.dll idea ... which   ]
[ I'm using too (I also learned some stuff from Explode sources      ]
[ how to play samples with FMOD library)                             ]

( Zdupy    : mbarboi@home.ro (I'll be glad to receive emails !)   )
( Web Page : http://mbarboi.home.ro                               )

{ FreeBASIC(R) homepage : http://www.freebasic.net               }
{ FbEdit(R) - cool editor : has got AUTO-COMPLETE                }
{ (force autocomplete :CTRL+SPACE), syntax highlighting and all  }
{ other cool things that makes programmer's life more easy and   }
{ productive" (see freebasic's web page for more details)        }
{ Gimp(R) : Generally provided with any(most) of the Linux       }
{ distribution(s) - cool GPL software for creating images with   }
{ special effects (simillar to,but yet different from Adobe's    }
{ PhotoSbop(R))                                                  }

|! The original game's credits: !|
| Game originally wrote by:      |
|             J. Rowen           |
| PACMAN VER1.1 re-wrote by:     |
|            O.Arzalier          |
| First to have the idea to      |
| remake Pacman during 2000 was  |
|Shmen [see: www.shmessenger.org]|

| Game's engine uses : FMOD.DLL external library -for playing music sounds(&stuff).      |                         
|                      FMOD Sound and Music System                                       |
|            Copyright (C) 1994-2005, Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd.                   |
|                                                                                        |
| Game's engine uses : FBSound  external library -for playing music sounds(&stuff).      |
|                               FBSound                                                  |
|            Copyright (C) 2006-2011, D.J.Peters (Joshy) ; d.j.peters@web.de             |
|                                                                                        |
| Game's engine uses : FBSquirrel external library -for game scripts&stuff-              |
|                              FBSquirrel                                                |
|            Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Alberto Demichelis                                  |
|                                                                                        |
| Game's image loader uses (besides .BMP): FBPNG (libfbpng.a) for loading/saving PNGs    |
|                                                                                        |
| Some images were processed using IrfanView (C) Irfan Skijlan                           |
|                                                                                        |
| Fruits were "imported" from Angelo Motolla's WetSpot2                                  |
| One sound from Homeworld's windows theme.                                              |
| One sound from Quake2's windows theme.                                                 |
| Three sounds are from Window's Default sound scheme.                                   |
| One sound from Nkk_kan's Explode                                                       |
| One sound is from SupeTux.                                                             |
|                                                                                        |
| Inspiration sources for gameplay & stuff:                                              |
|  - original Pacman, Digger,(Alley) Cat ... & Tanks (game from an old [TV playstation]) |
|  - Explode (fmod, intro&menu)                                                          |
|  - BowserStory (story boards)                                                          |
|  - Sonic640 (game intro & gameplay)                                                    |
|  - Mario Forever (Buziol Games: Michal Gdaniec, Poland)                                |
|  - the original Super Mario World (znesw)                                              |
|  - other old & new games, game developers & friends                                    |
|  - worldwars I&II and what was after them :(                                           |
|                                                                                        |

cool stuff, algorithms & etc inside this game  (everything done by me...):
  - Shortest Path Finder 
  - linear sorting algorightm (radix sort)
  - exploring regular directories as ext2 dirs
  - original music from KitzBas
  - hand optimized : only 2(two) multiplications and only in case of random move (once each time iq-path-length is reached) (don't know about fb's radom algorithm for rnd() ... and about other fb procedures)
  - game engine was designed to be power efficient. This game can probably be played on 386-33Mhz machines with 16MB of RAM)
  - script executer - in the form of a 32bit CPU emulator (something between a x86, RISC and Z80)
    NOTE:in version 2.1 I've switched to double scripting ... fbsquirrel for Win32,Linux and my own scripting module for DOS (and linux/win32 if wanted)

+ Free Memory required:                                                       +
+   A) when never playing music : 5-6MB (8MB for safe playing)                +
+   B) with music playing (win32/linux*) : 10-13MB (16MB for safe playing)    +
+Stack Memory:                                                                +
+   - stack memory is taken out from free memory.                             +
+     Basically the program is(or needs to be) compiled to use 16000KB of ram +
+     (fbc -t 16000)                                                          +

| Play the game to win the final prises; see by yourself ! |

[                                                          ]
[ The are three (3) worlds.                                ]
[                                                          ]
[  World 1: the world of 2D - 9 levels of 2d graphics      ]
[           (world 1 known as : "2D World"                 ]
[  World 2: world of semi-3D - cubic like                  ]
[           (world 2 known as : "CubicPrison"              ]
[  World 3: final world  - 3D world with many additional   ]
[           gadgets                                        ]
[           (world 3 known as : "Happiness"                ]
[                                                          ]
[ -----                                                    ]
[ Help Pacman tp get back his Pacwoman ... !               ]
[ Pacman has been sent to prison in the world of 2D; his   ]
[ woman -Pacwoman- was stolen by insane [#$%#@] robots,    ]
[ the army of the Great Master, an ex-pacman who drunk     ]
[ wrong kind of chemicals :). He has 3 armyies, one in     ]
[ each world and each army has 3 types of robots.          ]
[                                                          ]
[ Teach The Great Master - blue pacman - a lesson, get back]
[ your pacwoman, and put those robots to good work !       ]
[ Bring back happiness to the world of Pacmen & Pacwomen ! ]
[ -----                                                    ]

 --- other notes : compiling sources & troubleshooting ---

It can be compiled for Win32, Linux and DOS(uses DOS's CWSDPMI)
 Compiling PacMan2 :
 A) Windows32 (Win9x,WinNT x.x) : get&install FreeBASIC32 compiler for win32 
 B) Linux : get FreeBasic32 Compiler for Linux (0.20.0,0.21.0,0.21.1,0.22) 
 C) DOS   : get FreeBasic32 Compiler for DOS   (0.20.0,0.21.0,0.21.1,0.22)
 RUN : fbc -w 3 -v -arch 686 -t 16000 pacman2.bas pacman2.rc
 ! ! !
 NOTE : you will need an IBM 686/Cyrix MX2/Intel P6,PentiumPro/AMD K6 machine to compile it as it is !
 For older machines (586,486,386) enable the following :
#define older_machine386_486_586
 -> in order to compile game you will need also to enable long file names support.
    You can use Freedos(R)'s DOSLFN, if your version of DOS doesn't have doslfn.
    Freedos is freeware (see http://www.freedos.org)
 -> in order to play the game with effects eneabed you will STILL
    need long file names support (see previous note)
TroubleShooting PacMan2 :
 Q: My LCD/monitor/video card does not support default resolution/bitsperpixel !
 S: 1) Try different resolutions and bpps until you find a corect one !
       You can specify this at command line or edit pacman2.ini - config file
       E.g.: pacman2 /video_mode 17 /bpp 16  
                ^= starts pacman2 in mode 17(640x400x16bitsperpixel)
             pacman2 /video_mode 19 /bpp 32
                ^= mode 19 : 800x600x32bitsperpixel
             pacman2 /video_mode 18 /bpp 8
                ^= mode 18 : 640x480x8bitsperpixel
    2) You can try to run it in window mode -Win32/Linux.
      E.g.:  pacman2 /no_fullscreen
             pacman2 /window

 Q: Pacman2 game's speed is to high/low !
 S: 1) In main menu go to : SETUP ; than "Game Speed" ; enter a higher number (in miliseconds)
       or enter a smaller number !
    2) Inside the game : press [CTRL+S] ; then select "Game Speed" ; adjust sleeping time (miliseconds)

 NOTE : sleeping time is the time interval in miliseconds, between two frames, during which the game spleep or better said - gives control to kernel.

 Q: I'm running the DOS version of PacMan2 and when I try to adjust the speed
    the games goes either to fast or either to slow !
 S: Ups ! that's because SLEEP function is not well calibrated in DOS for values between 12ms downto 1ms (this interveal my vary for different PCs)
    1) If you have a 686 or better you need to specify this at the command line :
       pacman2 /speedcompromise
    2) use Win32/Linux versions. SLEEP is well calibrated for this platforms.  

 Known Bug/Unknown problem : under dos if you are using --speedcompromise option 
                             system might reboot (probably because of to much RDTSC repetitive usage ...)
 Solution : next (DOS) version will use timer interupts for delays (instead of SLEEP and/or RDTSC)
  (any way RDTSC seems the most accurate solution, but I don't know way reading it to many times at once can produce System Reboot !  (???)) 
Source: pacman2_readme.txt, updated 2011-10-04