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OLD-Versions 2017-03-30
README.TXT 2018-03-06 7.2 kB
owndms_47.zip 2017-03-30 17.4 MB
owndms.pdf 2015-03-13 969.7 kB
Totals: 4 Items   18.4 MB 2
Project: ownDMS - your own DMS system - at your home
File   : README.txt
locense: see LICENSE.TXT
release: see RELEASE-NOTEST.TXT (german language only)

	a) What is ownDMS ?
	b) What you need
	c) Install howto
	d) Important Note
	e) Some limitations

a) Whats is ownDMS ?
It is your docoment management system (dms) for your home/busines
without the need of space somewhere in the insecure cloud. 
Use your Server - at home, busines or hosted - you know, 
where you put your files.

Upload documents to your owndms with automake previews for PDF.
Set the tags to the document like owner, groups, description,
remarks and so on.

Find your documents easy and fast and view or download it.

Absolut easy to use, easy to administrate - it will only...work !

And because it is web-based, you can use your smartphone or
tablet to look into your ownDMS.

No other software needed. 
Multiuser and multilanguage 
(from now: german & english is installed).

	I write this software, because i dont find an easy to use /
	administrate system, what is also usable for my wife and
 	children :-) I work on it many, many hours and still working
	on it. So if you have questions, a wish or find bugs, 
	please report it to me via mail to repcom@gmail.com and 
	i will answer as soon as possible. 
	So i need your help and your announcement.
	And ... if you find this software helpfull - 
	I'd be happy if you send me a donation :-)

b) What you need:
	1. WebServer with >= PHP 5.x, optional: 
		php_ldap (for loggin over ldap).
		php_imap (for fetch mails with attachments).
		php5-imagick (for inline convertig) or imagemagick on commandline.
	    unoconv (for converting Word / Excel / OpenOffice Formats).
	    scanimage (for direct scanning documents).
	2. mysql Database and an account to install databases
	3. access to the webServer directory (and other, if needed)
	4. Space for your documents
	5. Optional a scanner, which is be founded by "scanimage -L"
	   and are accessible from webserver User (like step 2).

c) Install howto:

Fresh Install or update:
1.	Copy the contents of this zip file to your webserver directory 
	(like [www.your.server.com]/owndms) - please leave the name "owndms" be 
	the root of your webserhome directory, because it is coded in the 
	program structure. It will be changed in the future, so then you can use
	other names then owndms.
	On update from previous version: this is all you need to do. Go on to Step 6.
2.	Access to the webserver:
	The webserver needs to write to the upload directory,
	where you will temporary store your documents. So give the webserver
	user/group (www-run or whatever) the rights like 0777 to the
	upload directory - which you configure in "configuration" section 
	on the web site (see also step 8).

3.	Create a mysql user with access to a database name 'owndms', for example:
	mysql -u root -p
	grant all on owndms.* to owndms@localhost identified by "yourPassword";
	flush privileges;

4. 	Rename includes/config.php.dist to includes/config.php and edit it with the credentials from Step 3

5. 	Start your WebBrowser to [your.server]/owndms
	For the first start, klick on the link "SQL Importieren" (all existing data will be lost).
	If everything goes fine, you will see the login prompt. If not, read the errors or import the sql manually.
	Mostly errors come from access rights for databases and/or directorys (see Step 2)
6.  Skip over to Step 7 - only need Step 5 fails.
	Create the database with the command:
	mysql -u root -p <./owndms.sql
	or with the user which has the rights to create 
	(see step 3).
	CAUTION: if you import the sql from "phpmyadmin", check that 
	you have the compatibility mode set to "MYSQL40" (Thanks to Joerg P.)

7. 	Log in with the user "owndms" and password "owndms" or with the user from previous install. 
	(owndms is the initial admin user, if databases are created - CHANGE THIS ACCOUNT DATA AFTER LOGIN at config).

8. 	Goto config and set your values at your needs.
	IMPORTANT: set the right path for upload and any other URL's.
	Hint: do not use temporary upload path as the same dir like document root directory.
	For security reason: the document directory should be outside the web server path.

9.  Optional LDAP connect:
	If you wish to use your LDAP Server for authentification, then set the parameters in includes/config.php 
	like the examples in config.php.dist.
	If you enable LDAP, both will work (local users and LDAP users can log in).
	All User from LDAP will mapped as normal "User" in ownDMS - if you wish to change some of them 
	to admin rights, log this user first time in and out. Log in as owndms admin and
	change the right of the user in user config Screen. Thats it.
10.	Optional E-MAIL Import:
	Create a mailbox where you send Mails with attachments, like owndms@[yourdomain.com].
	Set the right values in the config section, to parse the mailbox.
	IMAP and POP are working. (PHP-) TLS/SSL is a little bit tricky, try it out.
	This function is absolutly beta. In my mailbox from private hoster, it only works with pop3 and /notls flag.
	The subject will be the primary group Number (must be only the number - see the groups  section in config for the numbers).
	You can use things like 22/7 - First group (22) and second group (7).
	The Body text will be:
	First row: description, second row: account 1, thirdly row: account 1 and fourth row the long description of the document. 
	If you click on the "mail Import" Button in Main Menu, you will see a 
	list of Mails (if there are some in your mailbox), which you can import.
	Only, if a attachment is found, the mail can be imported. 
	There are some php mail bugs, that a mail with an attachment will be showed without attachment ... sorry for that.
	The senders mail address will be searched in the user data, so the right owner of the document will automaticly set.
	You can change this in the upcomming dialogue, before saving it.

d) Important Note:
ownDMS (the Web User in your system) must have the rights, to execute "convert", "unoconv", "tiff2pdf" and "scanimage" (if needed).
If not, then you may get "access errors" or "not found errors".
You can put the www user (or whatever your webserver is running under) into the right group  
for accessing these files. Be aware of possible security reasons.

e) Some limitations:
- something, what i dont't know :-) - please report it to me!

If you like this software - or not - please let me know - i am only one mail away (repcom@gmail.com).
And yes... your donation will help to develop this software soon.

Have i nice day, hope to hear from you soon.

best regards from 
	Hamburg, germany

Source: README.TXT, updated 2018-03-06