Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2011-03-08 1.1 kB
osAtom.img 2011-03-08 1.5 MB
osAtom_1_01.tar.gz 2011-03-08 19.0 MB
Totals: 3 Items   20.5 MB 1
Please refer http://osatom.wordpress.com/os-atom

Installaltion instruction:

I.For complete install alongwith the Bochs VM follow these instructions:
[xx refers to the version, check particular downlad.]
1.Untar the file:
tar xvf osAtom_xx.tar.gz
2.cd osAtom_xx 
3.sh build
After build completion, do following:
4.cd bochsimg
5.bochs -qf bochsrc.txt &

II.For only image creation:
[xx refers to the version, check particular downlad.]
1.Untar the file:
tar xvf osAtom_xx.tar.gz
2.cd osAtom_xx
3.cd base
This will create fimage in ../bochsimg directory. Mount it in any VM you like.

Running instructions:
1.Create new machine in your virtual machine software. Provide the image as floppy for booting medium.
2.If after booting you see  message 'shell process creation over' it means the system is up and running.
3.Press 'Alt+a' to switch screen.
4.You can run all commands which are currently supported, like ls.
5.To run samples or your custom program run:
    'exec prog_name params'

For any further query:
website: http://osatom.wordpress.com
mail: dheerajsuthar@live.in
Source: README, updated 2011-03-08