Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Historic 2023-07-04
23.0725 OptimWin.zip 2023-07-30 219.2 MB
23.0703 OptimWin.zip 2023-07-05 216.8 MB
Readme.txt 2023-07-03 6.7 kB
Totals: 4 Items   436.0 MB 4
. Optimize v23.0627, isidrococo @ gmail, Execute as Administrator: OK
.   https://sourceforge.net/projects/optimwin-batch/
. Optimize windows, del useless: tasks, services, caches, temps, apps
. Usage: OPTIMWIN ALL|tNNlist [xNNlist] [options]
. ALL: do all tasks;  x01: Exclude task 01;  xNN: Exclude task NN
.    tNN task list:
. t01: blank c:\ut streams; Create Desktop/ Start Menu Shortcuts
. t02: TakeOwnership to rightClick {YES char=""}
. t03: Textpad settings
. t04: Add User keys to register  OPTIM_User.reg
. t05: Add Machine keys to register  OPTIM_Machine.reg
. t06: Chrome,Edge limit cache size, C:\CACHE\CHROME\
. t07: Firefox disable telemetry, limit cache size, C:\CACHE
. t08: Hosts: null telemetry sites **not a virus**
.  {*** win7 or later ***}
. t71: Disable Scheduled Tasks, antiVir exclusions, enable sysRestore
. t72: Power options: don't suspend when closing notebook tray
.      t73: -none-
. t74: LOG reduce {use 2}: 0:Skip 1:Basic 2:Registry 9:RestoreDefaults
.   **avoid** 7:CBS sfcScanNow noLog;  8:disable eventLogSvc BREAKS netlist
.                                        and w7 taskschd,optimDisk
. t75: NTFS optimizations - FSUTIL
. t77: set sysRestore size 4Gb, disable bootlog
. t78: enable winRE if exist
.  {*** win8 or later ***}
. t81: Enable F8 key at boot; ControlPanel to StartMenu
. t82: Disable SleepStudy LOGs
. t83: PowerShell Windows10SysPrepDebloater: uninstall w10 useless apps
.  {*** common final tasks ***}
. t91: Services: Disable/Manual unnecessary  {XP+}
. t92 DELETE use 3: 0:none 1:Temps, 2:+UserCaches, 3:+Logs,updates
.   **caution** 7:+WinSxSTEMP 8:+disable SearchIndex 9:restoreSearchIndex
.   d:DismClean
. t99: Reinit Explorer.exe
. Log0..Log2, Log7..Log9: T74 Logs: 0skip, 1basic, 2reg, *7CBS, *8elim/ 9restore
. Del0..Del3, Del8..Del9: T92 Delete level {*8disable/ 9enable search svc}
.     *may affect usage
. Power: Restore default power schemes
. noPause: don't pause at end;  noDel: keep temporary optim files
. del services, temp+cache+logs: OptimWin t91 t92 del3
. All tasks except remove APPS:  OptimWin all log2 x83 x76 del1 noPause
. Set C: SysRestore to 4Gb:      OptimWin t77
. All without user interact:     OptimWin all log2 del3 nopause
. Needed files in C:\UT:  7z.exe 7z.dll OptimWin_Files.7z
.                         AdvancedRun.exe streams.exe


Can do individual tasks or all and exclude any tasks
Automatically ask for Administrator rights
Move TEMP folder to C:\TEMP (only if <> n:\TEMP)
Add c:\UT to path
Add Direct Accesss to utilities (total commnder) to Start Menu and Desktop
t01 Blank c:\ut streams; Create Desktop/ Start Menu Shortcuts
t02 TakeOwnership to rightClick (YES char="%ans_y%"^)
t03 Textpad settings
t04 Add User keys to register  OPTIM_User.reg:
 04a various speedup settings, avoid autorun unnecessary programs
 04b international settings should be adapted to your country
 04c show extensions, ask to delete, disable visual effects
t05 Add Machine keys to register  OPTIM_Machine.reg:
 05a defaults for new users to speed settings
 05b MS antivirus exclusions
 05c avoid autorun unnecessary programs
 05d run as admin for some programs
 05e disable telemetry, speedup settings
 05f webcam patch fix, sysinternals defaults
t06 Chrome,Edge limit cache size, C:\CACHE\CHROME\
t07 Firefox disable telemetry, limit cache size, C:\CACHE
t08 Hosts: null telemetry sites **not a virus**
 {*** win7 or later ***}
t71 Disable Scheduled Tasks, antiVir exclusions, enable sysRestore
t72 Power options: don't suspend when closing notebook tray
    t73 -none-
t74: LOG reduce {use 2}: 0:Skip 1:Basic 2:Registry 9:RestoreDefaults
  **avoid** 7:CBS sfcScanNow noLog;  8:disable eventLogSvc BREAKS netlist
                                       and w7 taskschd,optimDisk
t75 NTFS optimizations - FSUTIL
t77 set sysRestore size 4Gb, disable bootlog
t78 Enable winRE if exist
 {*** win8 or later ***}
t81 Enable F8 key at boot; ControlPanel to StartMenu
t82 Disable SleepStudy LOGs
t83 PowerShell Windows10SysPrepDebloater: uninstall w10 useless apps
 {*** common final tasks ***}
t91 Services: Disable/Manual unnecessary  {XP+}
t92 DELETE: 0:none 1:Temps, 2:+UserCaches, 3:+Logs,updates
  **caution** 7:+WinSxSTEMP 8:+disable SearchIndex 9:restoreSearchIndex
t99 Reinit Explorer.exe

Latest History:
23.0627 TEMP ownership, OWNDIR subrouting; svc intel AESMService; acad AdskLicensingService
23.0611 svc SynTPEnhService 3: Synaptics
23.0603 svc AsusAppService, ASUSLinkNear, ASUSLinkRemote, ASUSOptimization, ASUSSoftwareManager, ASUSSwitch, ASUSSystemAnalysis, ASUSSystemDiagnosis
23.0517 svc: osrss: Windows 10 Update Facilitation
23.0517 :DELCHROMEFILES "!userLocAppDir!Low\Adobe\AcroCef\DC\Acrobat\cache"; "!userAppDir!\Hola\chromium_profile"
23.0515 del %windir%\Logs\ DISM, SystemRestore;  svc: hpqddsvc 4 HPSLPSVC 3 "Net Driver HPZ12" 3 "Pml Driver HPZ12" 3
        svc: VidocScrobbler 4; Toshiba: GFNEXSrv 4 TODDSrv 4
23.0510 set isiVersion; Svc dont touch WbioSrvc; Realtek Andrea RT Filters Service: AERTFilters
23.0502 added up to DEL CHROME profile 15
23.0430 Policies\MicrosoftEdge; SleepingTabsEnabled; HighEfficiencyModeEnabled
23.0428 SSD life: disable chrome prefetch, firefox browser.sessionstore.interval 15sec to 30min
23.0426 double quotes "" in powershell for optimwin path with spaces
23.0414 :DelInDir "!userLocAppWinDir!\WebCache.old"
23.0412 quoted %PARAM%; DELDIREXCEPT dont remove "%windir%\System32\LogFiles\Scm" breaks TaskSchd view in w7
23.0410 firefox: default-browser-agent.enabled=false; app.update.background.enabled= false
23.0405 del %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\McAfee*.lnk
23.0404 DELOWNDIR; svc Autodesk Access
23.0330 svc AsusUpdateCheck; del AsusDownLoadLicense.exe NetSetupMig.log, ProgramData\ASUS\SCD
23.0326 :DELETEDIR "%windir%\SystemTemp"
23.0325 better help
23.0324 fsutil, t92 del renumber: 1-4,6-9
23.0323 asus DTSAPO3Service; PlexUpdateService; Samsung ss_conn_service, ss_conn_service2
        DELETEDIR "!userDir!\AppData\LocalLow\Google\GoogleEarth\Cache"
23.0322 hosts4; del "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService"
23.0321 takeownership: t73 is now t02, added xp support, win7up for powershell; added quotes to %windir% instances
23.0315 del chrome blob_storage; "c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\CCleaner Browser"; :DELCHROME "!userDir!\AppData\LocalLow\webviewdata\2\EBWebView"
   removed deprecated chrome mediaCacheSize, increased cache 50mb, BackgroundModeEnabled=0
23.0313 del7 del4
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2023-07-03