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readme.txt 2010-12-20 3.8 kB
OpenTM2_0_9_1_Setup.zip 2010-12-20 14.0 MB
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For the latest information on the OpenTM2 project, please visit http://www.opentm2.org.

Version 0.9.1 (December 20, 2010)

Version 0.9.1. adds the following features and bug fixes:


*Integrated Installer

Problem: OpenTM2 lacked a proper install wizard and relied on manual installation procedures

Solution: OpenTM2 is now installed using an install wizard that checks version numbering and ensures that all files are placed in the proper location on the user's system.

*EQFBATCH support needed in OpenTM2 for better integration with ApSIC Xbench (Ticket #10)

Problem: In order to offer the convenience of the "Edit Source..." feature in a future release of ApSIC Xbench, we would need that OpenTM2 implements the EQFBATCH interface.

Solution: OpenTM2cmd (formerly named EQFBATCH) which allows to run OpenTM2 functions from a command line, is now integrated into OpenTM2. The OpenTM2cmd functions are described on the Wiki page (http://www.beo-doc.de/opentm2wiki/index.php/Working_from_the_command_area:_OpenTM2cmd).

*Porting the OpenTM2 documentation (Ticket #14)

Problem: The entire OpenTM2 documentation was only available in PDF documents.

Solution: The entire OpenTM2 documentation was ported from PDF based documents into a Wiki (see http://www.beo-doc.de/opentm2wiki/index.php/Main_Page). The documentation is divided into an OpenTM2 Install Guide, an OpenTM2 Translator's Reference Guide, and an OpenTM2 Develeoper's Guide.

*Markup table development guide (Ticket #15)

Problem: A markup Table development Guide is such a critical part of OpenTM2, that it may be wise to have a dedicated document with written information + video.

Solution: On the Wiki page (http://www.beo-doc.de/opentm2wiki/index.php/Main_Page), a dedicated section provides the necessary information how to cope with markup tables. An education video is planner for early in 2011.

*Missing Script Tool in OpenTM2 (OpenTM2Scripter) (Ticket #40)

Problem: Testing OpenTM2's functions must be done in an automated way. A tool, which supports this, is missing in OpenTM2.

Solution: The OpenTM2Scripter tool was originally developed to test the OpenTM2 API-call layer. However, since the tool can call any of the OpenTM2 API driven by a simple script file, it can be used to automate any of the OpenTM2 tasks too. This allows even less technically oriented translators to quickly create some automated tasks. The OpenTM2Scripter functions are described on the Wiki page (http://www.beo-doc.de/opentm2wiki/index.php/Working_from_the_command_area:_OpenTM2Scripter).


*Cannot import or export translation memories in TMX format (Ticket #04)

Problem: TMX memories could neither be exported from OpenTM2 nor imported into OpenTM2.

Solution: The import/export of TMX memories has been fixed.

*Homepage icon should point to OpenTM2 website (Ticket #21)

Problem: When clicking on the Homepage Icon in the OpenTM2 workbench, the link didn't lead to the OpenTM2 webpage.

Solution: When clicking on the Homepage Icon in the OpenTM2 workbench, the link leads to the OpenTM2 website located at https://sites.google.com/site/opentm2/home

*Documentation icon should point to OpenTM2 documentation (Ticket #22)

Problem: When clicking on the documentation Icon, OpenTM2 didn't open the corresponding documentation.

Solution: When clicking on the documentation Icon, OpenTM2 opens the Wiki page which contains all OpenTM2 related documentation (see http://www.beo-doc.de/opentm2wiki/index.php/Main_Page).

*Help icon should point to OpenTM2 help system (Ticket #32)

Problem: When clicking on the Help Icon, OpenTM2 didn't open the corresponding help system.

Solution: When clicking on the Help Icon, OpenTM2 opens the OpenTM2 help system.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2010-12-20