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OpenRemote-Controller-2.2.0_TTS-Email-Serial.zip 2013-07-28 34.5 MB
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Controller 2.1.1 (2015-02-12 Twin Galaxies)

Bug Fixes:

  - Remerge issue ORCJAVA-392 to correctly
    include changes in UDP listener

Controller 2.1.0 (2015-01-20 Twin Galaxies)

New Features:

  - EnOcean Implementation (Rainer Hitz, ORCJAVA-348)
  - Mi Casa Verde Vera Integration (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-330, ORCJAVA-331)
  - Round robind database (RRD) integration for storing sensor
    data (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-353, ORCJAVA-356)
  - EmonCMS integration for storing sensor data (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-357)
  - ICT Protege integration (Tomas Morton, ORCJAVA-445)
  - WebConsole upgraded to version 2.1.2, fixes issues with stuck
    loading screen, label on/off states with switch sensors, and tweaks for
    Midori web browser (Richard Turner, WEBCONSOLE-57, WEBCONSOLE-59, 
    ORCJAVA-345, ORCJAVA-379)
  - Added DSC Security System (IT-100/EnvisaLink) integration - IP to serial 
    (Greg Rapp, Phil Taylor, ORCJAVA-302)
  - Lagarto server (panStamps) integration (Daniel Berenguer)
  - Support 'custom' sensor types with virtual commands (ORCJAVA-217)

  - ZWave:
     * Updated protocol stack (Rainer Hitz, ORCJAVA-440)

  - KNX: 
     * Added distinct levels for 'DIM' and 'SCALE' commands that allow
       set values to be configured for buttons, e.g. 'DIM 50' to dim directly
       to 50% (Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-71). 
     * Added DPT 6.001 and DPT 6.010 signed 8-bit value support 
       (Stefan Langerman, ORCJAVA-361). 
     * Added support for date datatype (DPT 10.xxx), time datatype (DPT 11.xxx), 
       four-octet signed values (DPT 13.xxx) and four octet float 
       values (DPT 14.xxx). Corresponding commands that have been added are 
       'DATE', 'TIME', 'ENERGY' and 'POWER' (Kenneth Stridh, ORCJAVA-362).
     * Support for DPT 232.600 (RGB values) and DPT 16.001 (text fields) added, 
       implementation converted internally to EventListener API (Marcus Redeker, 
       ORCJAVA-291, ORCJAVA-294, ORCJAVA-301)

  - HTTP protocol: 
     * Methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE are now supported, HTTP 100 Expect
       Continue headers have been set to false for compatibility with HTTP 
       servers that don't support this header (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-400,
     * For HTTP/JSON return documents, a JSON Path expression is supported.
     * HTTP content-type headers are supported (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-260) 
     * For outgoing HTTP request, a user agent header is included which 
       contains 'OpenRemoteController' as agent value which HTTP 
       applications can use to identify requests originating from the 
     * Internally, the implementation has been converted to use URIs 
       instead of URLs which resolves an issue with lack of encoding of 
       HTTP parameters  which contain which contain white spaces or other 
       special characters. 
     * HTTP related logs now appear in their own file under /logs/http/http.log 
       (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-368)

  - UDP protocol:
     * Sending hex values by prefixing command data with '0x' string added.
     * Receiving of UDP packets added (ORCJAVA-392)
     * Add an option to specify what type of line ending is used for sent 
       UDP commands. Defaults to 'NONE', other options are 'CR', 'LF' and 'CRLF' 
       (Simon Vincent, ORCJAVA-393)

  - One Wire: Added possibility to specify temperature values in
    either Celsius (default), Kelvin, Fahrenheit or Rankine scales, data
    property added for sending values to switches (Marcus Redeker)
  - Shell Command Execution: polling interval and regular expression
    filtering on return values supported, including regexp groups to 
    read in multiple sensor values at once. Support for using shell
    commands with sliders added (Marcus Redeker, Ivan Martinez)
  - Telnet: polling interval property added (Marcus Redeker), dedicated
    telnet log directory and telnet debug logs added (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-328)
  - Date/Time : values updated once per minute instead of once per second
    (Marcus Redeker), fix for timezones (ORCJAVA-401, Juha Lindfors)
  - TCP : send hex values by prefixing command data with '0x' string,
    add polling interval and regular expression support for TCP payloads
    (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-298)
  - Samsung SmartTV : support control of multiple Samsung devices in single
    installation (Ivan Martinez)
  - Touch panel gestures can now be bound to macros in addition to individual
    commands (Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-231)
  - Color selection widget is now supported by the controller (Eric Bariaux,
    Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-235, ORCJAVA-290)
  - Direct Tomcat container logging to /logs/container/tomcat-server.log 
    (Tomcat server logging) and /logs/container/appcontext.log (Controller
    web application logging) files, and output directed to standard output
    and error streams to /logs/container/stderrout.log -- catalina.out is
    no longer created (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-273)
  - Adjusted 'start' and 'run' targets of openremote.sh to configure default
    standard output console logging differently -- 'run' target will still
    output logs to console where as 'start' target will redirect all logging
    to files (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-273)
  - Support for externally packaged and distributed protocol implementations, 
    such as Z-wave (Marcus Redeker, Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-347, ORCJAVA-366)
  - Support for remote access proxy (Marcus Redeker, Eric Bariaux, Juha
    Lindfors, ORCJAVA-295, ORCJAVA-422, ORCJAVA-424, ORCJAVA-288, ORCJAVA-266,

Bug Fixes:

  - X10: patch for potential race condition between thread deallocating 
    gateway and thread processing serial port input (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-359)
  - Performance fix to sensor state cache queries (Marcus Redeker)
  - Runtime performance optimization to avoid unnecessary XML 
    parsing/XPath use (ORCJAVA-190)
  - Fix for JSON REST request return values (Richard Turner, ORCJAVA-254)
  - Rework logout requests and added CORS headers (Richard Turner, ORCJAVA-255)
  - Internal API : concurrency and call control on Deployer start 
    controller calls (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-179)  
  - Range and Level sensors trim the incoming values from protocol implementation
    before attempting to convert values to numbers (Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-261)  
  - Fix issues with installing Controller to a file system location that contained
    white spaces in path names - commonly 'Program Files' on Windows environments
    (Juha Lindfors ORCJAVA-280, ORCJAVA-263, ORCJAVA-286, Eric Bariaux ORCJAVA-311)
  - Fix a false warning in ISY-99 protocol implementation 
    (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-308)
  - State sensor is more tolerant to device input trimming non-printable 
    characters -- CF, RF, zero bytes, etc.  (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-324) 
  - Use locale independent string case conversions in the controller, KNX and telnet
    protocols (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-332, ORCJAVA-334, ORCJAVA-335)
  - Fix a bug in telnet switch sensor handling where untrimmed return value was
    never correctly parsed to 'on' state (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-326)
  - Fix a false warning in ISY-99 protocol implementation (ORCJAVA-308)
  - 1-wire: Fix NPE when owserver is not reachable (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-267)
  - KNX SCENE and LEARN_SCENE commands were mixed up. Enable scene number
    to be used with level sensors (Marcus Redeker, ORCJAVA-282)
  - Russound: reliability updates (Torbjorn Osterdahl, ORCJAVA-376)
  - LIRC: Parse 'remotename' attribute in LIRC integration instead
    of the default command 'name' attribute (ORCJAVA-380, Marcus Redeker)


  - Enforce UTF-8 encoding on Java source files with javac to prevent build issues
    on systems with differing default character encoding configurations
    (Juha Lindfors, ORCJAVA-329)
  - Add Port Abstraction Daemon (PAD) source files to project (Olivier Gandit,
    Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-314, ORCJAVA-375)

Controller 2.0.2 (2013-02-26)

 - Update Web Console implementation to 2.1.0 (Richard Turner, ORCJAVA-312)
 - Bug fix: sensor status cache was throwing a runtime exception
   which was not handled if a panel requested a sensor status on
   a sensor which failed to start (due to configuration or
   other errors). The unhandled exception caused the client
   call to fail instead of gracefully falling back to default or
   error value. (Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-268)
 - Bug fix: logging generated errors (null pointer exception) at
   shutdown (Eric Bariaux, ORCJAVA-222)

Controller 2.0.1 (2012-11-21)

 - Update Web Console implementation to 2.0.0 FINAL
 - Change Tomcat runtime default logging to file size
   bound (10MB per file) instead of unlimited file
   size logging

Source: README.txt, updated 2015-02-13