Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
octets v 0.11 2010-03-16
octets v0.1 2010-03-10
Quick Readme for Updating Octets Client.rtf 2010-03-16 842 Bytes
Archive.zip 2010-03-16 1.0 MB
Installation Guide.txt 2010-03-11 2.4 kB
octets.zip 2010-03-10 5.0 MB
Totals: 6 Items   6.0 MB 0
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 This is an updated flex client for Octets. It has that has more features than the swf files in the initial release.\
To install these new client folder on your existing octet installation; follow these steps\
a. Unzip the file archive.zip.\
b. Place its content in octets/public overriding the existing similar files\
c. Continue using octets through the link http://
\i your-web-address
\i0 :3000/octets\
For any issues contact Octets Support or send a mail to ademola.osindero@introminds.com}
Source: Quick Readme for Updating Octets Client.rtf, updated 2010-03-16