Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
OANDA API SERVER.postman_collection.json 2022-06-24 8.3 kB
oanda_api_server-macos_1.0.0 2022-06-24 46.2 MB
readme.md 2022-06-24 3.3 kB
oanda_api_server-linux_1.0.0 2022-06-24 40.4 MB
oanda_api_server_1.0.0.exe 2022-06-24 33.9 MB
settings.json 2022-06-24 382 Bytes
Totals: 6 Items   120.5 MB 0

API Server Proxy for OANDA

This project is a proxy server for the OANDA API.


First download the following files into the same folder/directory,

Version x.x.x:

oanda-api-server_x.x.x.exe (Windows x64) - Version x.x.x windows executable
oanda-api-server-linux_x.x.x (Linux/Ubuntu) - Version x.x.x ubuntu/debian executable
oanda-api-server-macos_x.x.x (MacOSX) - Version x.x.x darwin/macosx executable


You will need to obtain a token for both DEMO and LIVE trading via the API. For the DEMO token, visit https://www.oanda.com/demo-account/ and navigate to My Service|Manage API Access and either press create a new token or revoke and recreate a token. Save the token before navigating away from this page. The direct URL for the DEMO token page is https://www.oanda.com/demo-account/tpa/personal_token.

Next switch to LIVE mode in the upper right corner of your dashboard, and then select TOOLS drop down menu in the upper right corner and select API. Now either press create a new token or revoke and recreate a token. Save the token before navigating away from this page. The direct URL for the DEMO token page https://www.oanda.com/account/tpa/personal_token

You will need to specify an unused port for the API server. If you desire other trading stations to access the API server, change the host to the server actual IP address. You will also need to specify an IP if you want to expose the API server publicly, but I discourage this practice unless you modify the and add an authentication scheme.


    "server": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 3000
    "token": {
        "test": "replace with your demo token",
        "live": "replace with your live token"
    "host": {
        "test": "api-fxpractice.oanda.com",
        "live": "api-fxtrade.oanda.com"

Place the SETTINGS.JSON is the same directory as the above executable(s).


To start the application with the OANDA API Server,


1. change to the installation directory
2. Ensure SETTINGS.JSON resides in the same directory
3. execute the executable ./oanda-api-server_x.x.x.exe


1. change to the installation directory
2. Ensure SETTINGS.JSON resides in the same directory
3. execute the executable ./oanda-api-server-linux_x.x.x


1. change to the installation directory
2. Ensure SETTINGS.JSON resides in the same directory
3. execute the executable ./oanda-api-server-macos_x.x.x

Release Schedule

Whenever the code base is updated, a new standalone version installation package is created.

Version          Date                    Changes
1.0.0           06/24/2022          Initial release

EOL or End-of-Life

When a piece of software is useful, there should never be an EOL doctrine. The intention for this application is to achieve immoratlity ;).

At some point of time in the future, this project may appear to be dead and abandon. The opposite will be true!

When this project reaches that stage, this project has matured to a level where maintenance is minimal (mostly updating to latest version of Node).

Patrick Ingle
June 24, 2022
Source: readme.md, updated 2022-06-24