Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Readme.txt 2017-12-01 2.3 kB
NLabCK_bin_2017120117355357.7z 2017-12-01 891.5 kB
NLabCK_src_2017120117355256.7z 2017-12-01 146.5 kB
NLabCK_mat_2017100919383252.7z 2017-10-09 454.0 kB
NLabCK_use_2017100919383371.7z 2017-10-09 59.1 kB
NLabCK_doc_2017100919383379.7z 2017-10-09 456.4 kB
makevideo.m 2017-09-18 4.3 kB
Totals: 7 Items   2.0 MB 0
NLabCK. Download index (1)

There are six types of compressed files to download:

NLabCK_src_<date&time>.7z:   NLabCK source code
                              - 7z compressed file
                              - Contains: All NLabCK fortran source files, doxygen files and makefile

NLabCK_mat_<date&time>.7z:   Mathlib library
                              - 7z compressed file
                              - Contains: All numerical libraries source files. 
                              - To build mathlib, execute MAKE_NLABCK "MODE=rebuild_mathlib"

NLabCK_use_<date&time>.7z:   User manual
                              - 7z compressed file
                              - Contains: user manual in HTML and CSS format
                              - Spanish version
                              - Browse the index.html file to access to information

NLabCK_doc_<date&time>.7z:   Programming documentation
                              - 7z compressed file
                              - Contains: user manual in HTML and CSS format
                              - Spanish version
                              - Browse the index.html file to access to information
NLabCK_bin_<date&time>.7z:   Win32 binaries
                              - 7z compressed file
                              - Contains: executable files nlabck.exe and static library mathlib.a for Win32 platforms. 
                                          Executable UpVersion.exe is also included. UpVersion.exe is used by makefile, 
                                          before compiling, for update the version information in source code files.

makevideo.m:                 GNU Octave function file (compatible with Matlab) whose object is to create, from the 
                             series of files of type DIFF_IMG generated by the program "Diffus" of NLabCK, a series of 
                             images in JPEG format showing the State of a section of 3D space simulated by the program 
                             and a video in AVI format that shows its temporal evolution.                          

Readme.txt:                  This file


 (1) <date&time> = File date and time in 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSSSS' format, where SSSS is seconds*100
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2017-12-01