Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
binaries 2014-05-26
libraries 2014-02-18
README 2014-03-25 2.6 kB
Changelog 2014-03-21 2.1 kB
Totals: 4 Items   4.7 kB 0
Two captures correlation !

Dev :
aptitude install valac libgee-0.8-2 libgee-0.8-dev
aptitude install libpcap libpcap-dev
aptitude install libjson-glib-1.0-0 libjson-glib-dev 
aptitude install libgtk-3-dev
aptitude install libarchive libarchive-dev
aptitude install tshark

aptitude install libgee-0.8-2 libpcap libjson-glib-1.0-0 libarchive tshark

Info: You can press shift while selecting frames in navigator view or press right button to zoom
See INSTALL to see variables environnement to set.
npc-win32.v2.1.tar.gz has been tested, it should run ;)
2014-03-25 - v2.2:
	. UDP frames should now be readed.... sorry
	. delete host and orphans hosts bug correction
2014-03-24 - v2.1:
	. Add size informations in Circle Pair view (right click to show a pop up)
		. total size for a connection
		. size from hosts
	. bugs correction in libnetframes and npc
2014-02-21 - v2.0:
	. Created a new library "NetFrames" (libnetframes)
	. Bug correction (host suppression in Hosts listbox)
	. Autodetect tshark (tshark.exe) if in PATH variable environnement

2014-01-22 - v1.9:
	+ Bug corrected : when opening a file while a host is selected cause an ugly console error 
	+ Created a class to handle IO for NPC file
	info: you need to install libjson-glib-1.0 and libarchive-3.xx
2014-01-22 - v1.8:
	+ Import / Export datas in PCAP file
	+ Open / Save NPC files (Network Packet Cleaner File)
		NPC file is just a tarball with a pcap file and hosts configuration.
2014-01-01 - v1.7: 
	+ New "rubberband" selection
	+ Optimize refresh list'frames when selecting frames in Navigator

	+ Remove badly implemented thread update
	+ Reimplement "copy area" to just copy borders of rectable, drastically improve performance
	+ Add colors in navigator view, related to data length of frames

	+ update frames box is threaded 
	+ copy area in navigator view to improve performance (trying to avoid redraw each time)

1.4 :
	+ Global performance improvement.
		* contextual menu in navigator view, right click on host to get the pop up
		* specific model to improve speed on frames selection and refresh Frames treeview on bottom of window

	- Navigator
		Minor correction : user can create a region  from right to left and frames are selected
	- Navigator
		User can select frames by creating a region (click / move / release), 
		Treeview Connections shows the selected frames
	- Internationalization
		set LANGUAGE="fr_FR" ou "en_EN"
	Create a new view : Navigator
		- User can zoom and scroll

Source: README, updated 2014-03-25