Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2012-02-18 5.4 kB
README.ca 2012-02-18 5.7 kB
README.es 2012-02-18 5.8 kB
naufrago-0.4-1_all.deb 2012-02-18 114.3 kB
naufrago-0.4.tar.bz2 2012-02-18 111.6 kB
naufrago-0.3-1_all.deb 2010-12-31 98.7 kB
naufrago-0.3.tar.bz2 2010-12-31 96.9 kB
naufrago-0.2-1_all.deb 2010-09-23 83.2 kB
naufrago-0.2.tar.bz2 2010-09-23 85.7 kB
naufrago-0.1-1_all.deb 2010-07-12 62.7 kB
naufrago-0.1.tar.bz2 2010-07-12 65.3 kB
Totals: 11 Items   735.2 kB 0

1. Introduction.
2. Features & whishlist.
3. Requirements (minimum).
4. Reinventing the wheel, why?
5. Installation and usage.
6. Problems / Support.
7. License.
8. Authors.
9. Thanks to.

1. Introduction

Náufrago! is a simple RSS reader that allows reading news with
its images even when it's not afloat, or what's the same, without
being online. This is because there are people, like the author,
that does not always has an available Internet connection but still
wants to be able to read news with its images. This is the leit motiv
of the application.

2. Features

The majors ones would be:

 - Feed categorization in a single-level tree.
 - Feed organization drag & dropping through categories.
 - Online/offline feed reading (including images).
 - Full screen mode for better feed reading.
 - Smart category folding/unfolding.
 - Important/permanent feed marking (recording).
 - Favicon support.
 - Tray iconization.
 - Feed import/export in OPML format.
 - Important and Unread folders.
 - Term searching capabilities.
 - Multilanguage (currently English, French, Polish, Italian, Catalan and Spanish).
   Want to translate? It's easy! Please, come & ask me how :)
 - Automatic update checker.


 - More translations.

3. Requirements (minimum)

Software ones:

 - GNU/Linux (Squeeze/Testing or greater for the Debian package).
 - Python 2.5 or better (only 2.x series at this time).
 - python-gtk2 (Python gtk2 bindings).
 - python-pysqlite2 (Python sqlite3 bindings).
 - python-feedparser (Python feedparser bindings).
 - python-webkit (Python Webkit bindings).

In the hardware level, anything that can move the app. The author used as
his development environment & daily usage a Netbook with an Intel 
Atom @ 1,6Ghz / 1GB of RAM. Later, moved to a laptop with an Intel Core2
T5600 @ 1.83GHz / 2,5GB RAM. If you are planning to use the deep_offline_mode
feature (available from 0.4 release), the faster the CPU & your Internet
connection, the better.

4. Reinventing the wheel, why?

If the look & functions of this app are nearly a mirror (with some 
exceptions) of Liferea (at least in aspect), why reinventing the
wheel? Well, for many reasons. Mainly because the author could not find a
RSS client that worked offline including images. Also because Liferea
developers don't admit feature requests (a respectable thing) and taking a
look at alien/third party source code requires twice the effort of creating
one of my own (warning, IMHO!). Reinventing the wheel also helps learning, 
and it can also add new ideas to this topic.

5. Installation and usage

If you use the DEBIAN PACKAGE , you probably have this app installed with
its dependencies solved. To start the app, go to the GNOME's Internet menu
and clic Naufrago! icon. In any case, you need Debian Squeeze or greater to
run the app.

If you use the TARBALL, unpack it, install the mentioned dependencies and
follow the instructions of the README.IMPORTANT!!! file. Then you can run it
-preferably- through the script "naufrago_launcher.sh" or the way you like.
All the archives & directories needed by the app will be created on the
directory that is executed. Optionally, if you want to use an icon/launcher
to start the app, you can use the one provided (naufrago.desktop) by
changing first the path to the "naufrago_launcher.sh" init script and putting
it on the corresponding directory (in a Debian with GNOME, the proper path would
be /usr/share/applications/).

6. Problems / Suport

The application attempts to willingly carry out its mission, but it is not
free of errors. If they occur, you can contact me detailing the problem as
precisely as possible, and I will try to see what happens in order to correct it.
But what I would really appreciate is you can help me with bug hunting & coding :)

Please, file issues at the Sourceforge tracker:


7. License

This app is under the GPLv3. You should have received a copy with it.
Otherwise or if you detect a breach of irs terms, please contact the
author or the FSF. Your freedom is in play!

8. Authors

Still, there's only one: Jordi Oliveras ( worbynet at gmail dot com ).

9. Thanks to

I must thank to the ones that endured me during development, specially
my girl, and also:

- Code contributors (Niels).
- Great ideas (Horia).
- Bug reporters (prash & others).
- Translators (Ludovic, Michal, kir).
- Python channels irc.freenode.net & irc.hispano.org.
- The wonderfull svg used as logo by GMcGlinn
- The also great RSS svg by SRD
- Almost the same goes to raemi
- And to palomaironique
- Doug Quale ( quale1 at charter dot net ) & 
  Walter Anger ( WalterAnger at aon dot at ).
  for the excelent DnD material.
- The great pygtk tutorial

Source: README, updated 2012-02-18