Home / nasa-apod-2.0-0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
nasa-apod-2.0-0.tar.xz 2022-07-09 6.9 kB
nasa-apod-2.0-0.zip 2022-07-09 8.2 kB
README.200 2022-07-09 491 Bytes
Totals: 3 Items   15.6 kB 0
nasa-apod.py (2.0-0) stable; urgency=low

  * started a changelog
  * added saving the explanation to 00.txt
  * added fallback to 00.txt when html is not available
  * added always convert downloaded image to jpg RGB
  * added triple quoted comment documenting the program logic
  * updated explanation parsing, better line formatting
  * updated the execution logic to account for missing resources
  * updated cl output to better display the code progression
  * removed unused variables
Source: README.200, updated 2022-07-09