Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
nasa-apod-2.1-0 2022-07-25
nasa-apod-2.0-0 2022-07-09
nasa-apod-1.2-1 2022-02-26
nasa-apod-1.2-0 2022-02-24
nasa-apod-1.1-0 2022-02-21
nasa-apod-1.0-0 2022-02-20
README.100 2022-02-20 602 Bytes
Totals: 7 Items   602 Bytes 0
This is a python script used to download the
Astronomy Picture of the Day and automatically
display it as a desktop background.

Required Software (depending on system environment):
    python3, python3-notify2, python-pil
Optional Software (depending on system environment):
    gxmessage, hsetroot

There is and example configuration file provided.
The default profile is set to support the current
enlightenment desktop. Other example profiles are
also provided and you are encouraged to add you own.

Source: README.100, updated 2022-02-20