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namedtupledefs2-00.01.021 2019-12-13
namedtupledefs2-00.01.020 2019-12-06
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README.md 2019-12-13 4.3 kB
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namedtupledefs2 - Python2.7

The package namedtupledefs2 provides a patched version of the factory class collections.namedtuple with field defaults for namedtuple. The package namedtupledefs2 supports Python2.7 syntax and adds Jython support. This is a drop-in compatible patch with minimal changes only - basically one line in the class template only.

import namedtupledefs

Point0 = namedtupledefs.namedtuple('Point', ('x', 'y', 'z'))
Point1 = namedtupledefs.namedtuple('Point', ('x y z'))

point0 = Point0(11, 22, 33) 
point1 = Point1(11, 22, 33)

the same with defaults:

from namedtupledefs import namedtuple

Point0defs = namedtupledefs.namedtuple('Point', ('x', 'y', 'z'), fielddefaults=(22, 33))
Point1defs = namedtupledefs.namedtuple('Point', ('x y z'), fielddefaults=(22, 33))

point0defs = Point0defs(11, 22) 
point1defs = Point1defs(11)

with the identical results:

point0defs == point0 
point1defs == point1

of the printout:

>>> point0
Point(x=11, y=22, z=33)

>>> point0defs
Pointdefs(x=11, y=22, z=33)

The package 'namedtupledefs2' additionally provides the method _merge for the created class with the accurate handling of _fields and _fielddefaults:

msg_header._merge('NewClassName', msg_body, msg_data)

See doc-string for more examples. For the standard library collections.namedtuple see Python documentation.

For the Python3 syntax refer to namedtupledefs3 or namedtupledefs.

Online documentation:


Install: pip install namedtupledefs2, see also section 'Install' of the online documentation.


Project Data

  • PROJECT: 'namedtupledefs2'

  • MISSION: The extension of the standard collections.namedtuple by default values for Python2.7.

  • VERSION: 00.01

  • RELEASE: 00.01.021

  • STATUS: alpha

  • AUTHOR: Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • COPYRIGHT=Copyright (c) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez.

  • LICENSE=Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints - see following clauses

Patches and this Documentation:

  • COPYRIGHT=Copyright (c) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez. All rights reserved.

  • PSF: In case of integration into standard libraries PSF LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PYTHON.

  • This library: LICENSE=Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints

Original code copied from Standard Python Library see "namedtupledefs.namedtuple_original":

  • COPYRIGHT ORIGINAL=Copyright (c) 2001-2018 Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved.


Runtime Environment

For a comprehensive list refer to the documentation.

Python Syntax Support

  • Python2

This package requires the exec statement/function, it is separated into two variants instead of using shared code.
For the Python3 refer to the package namedtupledefs3.

Python Implementation Support

  • CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy

OS on Server, Workstation, Laptops, Virtual Machines, and Containers

  • Linux: AlpineLinux, ArchLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Raspbian, RHEL, Slackware, SLES, Ubuntu, ...

  • BSD: DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, GhostBSD, TrueOS, NomadBSD

  • OS-X: Snow Leopard

  • Windows: Win10, Win8.1, Win7, WinXP, Win2019, Win2016, Win2012, Win2008, Win2000

  • WSL-1.0: Alpine, Debian, KaliLinux, openSUSE, SLES, Ubuntu

  • Cygwin

  • UNIX: Solaris10, Solaris11

  • Minix: Minix3

  • ReactOS

Network and Security

  • Network Devices: OpenWRT

  • Security: KaliLinux, pfSense, BlackArch, ParrotOS, Pentoo

OS on Embedded Devices

  • RaspberryPI: ArchLinux, CentOS, OpenBSD, OpenWRT, Raspbian

  • ASUS-TinkerBoard: Armbian

Current Release

Major Changes:

  • Initial release.


  • MicroPython, CircuitPython

Known Issues:

  • not yet
Source: README.md, updated 2019-12-13