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myESP32 DAUGHTER BOARD suitable for all ESP32 Projects

(c) Robert Brown 2019-2023. (c) Holger Manz, 2019-2021. All rights reserved.

The myESP32DB Controller is designed to provide additional features to the following projects on Sourceforge. * myDCP4ESP32 * myFP2ESP * mySQM+

but, is designed to be used in any Home IOY system.


The myESP32DB Controller provides

  • three I2C interfaces
  • two relay interfaces
  • four digital IO pins [input or output]
  • Rich interface supporting ESPNOW, MQTT and Web interfaces
  • Suitable for remote usage via Network, Wifi or ESPNOW


  • turn on/off light panel for taking flats
  • shutter control for Canon camera
  • dome close/open
  • fan used for cooling mirror on Newtonian
  • turn off/on hardware devices such as hubs etc
  • remote sensors like UV, Lightning, Smoke, Rain, temperature, atmospheric etc


  • The Windows application provides TCP/IP control
  • Web interface
  • Web Query interface supporting get/set protocol for managing and reading data
  • MQTT interface supporting publishing data to a Broker and receiving commands via MQTT
  • ESPNOW interface supporting sending of data to another ESPNOW enabled controller


To get a clear understanding of myESP32DB features and options, it is essential to read the PDF.


The firmware is open source. Download as a zip file then extract the zip file to access the library files and firmware.

Compiling for ESP32

Compiling the source code requires Arduino IDE v1.8.19 with the ExpressIF ESP32 Arduino extensions (Core 2.0.7). You will need to add the JSON file for the ESP32 library by using the File->Preferences menu of the Arduino IDE and add the location for the library into the board manager


Once specified, open the board manager, scroll down to ESP32 and install the latest version Then you can specify the target board as ESP32 Dev with Flash Size set t 4M (1MB SPIFFS) and upload speed of 115200.

Note: Additional JSON files are separated in board manager by using a comma ,

Additional JSON library Needed

Make sure you install the library ArduinoJson into the Arduino IDE else firmware will not compile.
The latest version is at https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson/releases

Additional Libraries which must be downloaded and installed

To compile this firmware you need to ensure that you have installed a number of "library" files into the Arduino environment. For each of the links below, you need to DOWNLOAD the ZIP file first.

OneWire https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/OneWire

ESP32 Sketch Data uploader https://github.com/me-no-dev/arduino-esp32fs-plugin/releases/

After downloading the zip files, you then need to install these into the Arduino IDE environment. To do that, start the Arduino IDE, select Sketch, Include Library, Add .Zip library, then navigate to where the ZIP files are stored and select them (you can only load 1 zip file at a time so please repeat this for all ZIP files).

The Sketch Data uploader requires a different method for installing. The install instructions are found in the download pages and require copying the files into a special folder of the Arduino program installation.

Once you have done this, you can start programming the controller.


Configuration information about the controller is specified in the controller_config.h file. This is where you specify the controller options ACCESSPOINT or STATIONMODE.

Management Web Server

Most of the controller functions and configuration are managed via a special Management Server running on the myESP32DB controller. Please read the PDF for more information.

Source: README.md, updated 2023-04-04