Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
data 2012-12-11
README.txt 2012-12-11 3.7 kB
phangorn_1.6-1.tar.gz 2012-12-11 996.3 kB
nni1optima_fa.rscript 2012-12-11 4.8 kB
optima_fa.rscript 2012-12-11 4.7 kB
optima_aa.rscript 2012-12-11 4.7 kB
optima_nex.rscript 2012-12-11 4.7 kB
Totals: 7 Items   1.0 MB 0
README for the scripts and data associated with McComish et al. 
"Multiple local maxima for likelihoods of phylogenetic trees 
constructed from biological data."


There are four scripts, three data files, and a custom version of the 
R package phangorn associated with the paper. These are described in 
more detail below.


To use the scripts, a working installation of R is required, with the 
provided version of phangorn and all its dependencies. For the script 
nni1optima_fa.rscript, a production version of phangorn should be 
used (version 1.7-1 is the version used with this script in the 
paper). This can be obtained from cran.r-project.org.


3.1 Scripts

3.1.1 optima_nex.rscript

Given a nucleotide alignment in NEXUS format: generates n random tree 
topologies; selects m sets of random edge lengths as starting values 
for each topology; optimises edge lengths (but not topology); and 
compares the resulting sets of edge lengths to detect distinct optima 
on each topology.
Also calculates a neighbour-joining tree, optimises its topology to 
find a maximum likelihood tree, and carries out the above procedure 
to detect distinct optima on this ML tree.

Takes six command-line arguments:
        The name of the input NEXUS alignment file.
        The number of random topologies to check.
        The number of random starting points for each topology.
        The substitution model to be used. See the phangorn 
                documentation for a list of available models.
        A filename for summary output.
        A filename for detailed output.

3.1.2 optima_fa.rscript

As for optima_nex.rscript above, but takes a nucleotide alignment in 
FASTA format as input.

3.1.3 optima_aa.rscript

As for optima_nex.rscript above, but takes an amino acid alignment in 
FASTA format as input.

3.1.4 nni1optima_fa.rscript

Takes a nucleotide alignment in FASTA format as input. Calculates a 
neighbour-joining tree, optimises its topology to find a maximum 
likelihood tree, and calculates all trees one nearest-neighbour 
interchange step from the ML tree. Then selects m sets of random edge 
lengths as starting values for each topology; optimises edge lengths 
(but not topology); and compares the resulting sets of edge lengths 
to detect distinct optima on each topology.

Takes the same arguments as optima_nex.rscript above, omitting the 
number of topologies to check.

3.2 Data files

3.2.1 mammal_mt.tar.gz

The 100 randomly chosen subsets of ten taxa from the alignment of 
Lin et al. (2002) used in the paper, in gzipped tar archive format. 
The original alignment can be found at 

3.2.2 hepB.tar.gz

The random subsets of eight, nine, ten, twelve, and fifteen strains 
from the data of Harrison et al. (2011) used in the paper, in gzipped 
tar archive format.

3.2.3 prokaryote.tar.gz

The 100 random subsets of nine taxa taken from the data of 
Puigbo et al. (2009) used in the paper, in gzipped tar archive 

The chloroplast alignments used in the paper are not provided here, 
but can be found at 

3.3 Custom phangorn package

phangorn_1.6-1.tar.gz is the custom version of the R package phangorn 
used in the paper with all scripts except nni1optima_fa.rscript.

Source: README.txt, updated 2012-12-11