mpvue is a front-end framework for developing small programs using Vue.js. Framework is based on Vue.js, which can run an applet environment, so as to develop small programs introduced as a complete set of Vue.js development experience. This is Meituan’s business solution to wine, catering, in-store, and finance companies. Use mpvue to develop small programs, you will get to this small program on the basis of the ability of some of the technical features, sucha as thorough component development capabilities, complete Vue.js development experience, convenient Vuexdata management solutions, efficient webpackbuilding mechanisms, support for the use of npm external dependencies, etc. mpvue provides the ability to convert H5 code into small program object code.
- Improve code reusability
- Complete Vue.js development experience
- Easy to build complex applications
- Supports the use of npm external dependencies
- Converts H5 code into small program object code
- Build a development environment for small programs