Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Movie Info Seeker v1_1_0_4.exe 2013-10-19 798.6 kB
README.txt 2013-10-19 2.4 kB
Movie Info Seeker v1_1_0_3.exe 2013-09-26 798.6 kB
Movie Info Seeker.rar 2013-09-18 472.7 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.1 MB 1
Server might be down. Download "Movie Info Seeker.rar", extract and install.

= Movie Info Seeker Changelog =

Added movie's rating and vote count
Added Popular Movies
Added update all movies option
Added new window with full movie info including cast, crew and full size poster
Poster click will now display full size image
Added backdrop option. Will open new window to show movie images
Double click in list selection will show movie's detailed information
Changed from Nvarchar to Ntext biography in sql
Added help section with a sample video from youtube explaining the application
Will try to automatically get information from tmdb when clicking a movie which isn't saved yet
Fixed internet problem regarding person casts
Changed text trimming on listbox selection
Fixed displaying casts when a movie is searched
Added last loaded folder to be loaded automatically each time application starts
Added Search page with person/movie search option
Fixed movie properties
Fixed user theme choice. Theme is now saved for future instances of the application
Movie title displays movie's year aswell
Person search now also returns every movie the person has participated in
Clicking on cast movies will now present the movie as if the user has searched it
Fixed official webpage and tmdb.com movie/person link
Fixed load folder button: Will load from all subfolders from now on and won't duplicate movies
Added button for Tmdb.com movie's page
Added a clear list button
Will delete application data manually on first time running for update porpuses
Added GPLv2 License
Fixed multi-line in email text
Added reference to http://www.themoviedb.org/
Added about application content
Added about me content
Added send email capability
Fixed search film button
Alpha release


mailto: mariocosme@gmail.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-10-19