Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
mounter2-f254a26-1.4.2.src.tar.gz 2013-11-08 13.7 kB
mounter2debian.tar.gz 2013-11-08 21.4 kB
README.md 2013-11-06 2.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   37.4 kB 0


Hello ALL version 1.4.2 is finished.

now no longer uses gksu. udevil is used as a dependency instead so there is no longer a need for a root password.

if your distro does not provide udevil as a package the source code can be found

here: http://ignorantguru.github.io/udevil/

also this version allows multiple images to be mounted. to unmount the image make sure that you have the same file selected and have included the full path as when you mounted the file.

---- version 1.4.1 updates ----

no longer compiles with warnings.

---- version 1.4.0 updates ----

this version has removed the text fields and placed in a button to select the iso file. the text field now displays the file chosen. it also still works fine if you type in the file by hand.

^^ done upon request ^^

also instead of using system() command it now uses execv()

the result of having a button leaves me with little need to set up a config file with default directory containing iso files. i hope people are happy with the change.

also in later updates i hope to but in a couple different mount points so that the program does not take up all of /mnt.

thank you again all, cheers.

----1.3.6 updates ----

i wrote some error handling so now when the mount command fails it will send an error back instead of telling you it is still mounted.

thank you for your patience this is after all the first project ive released so it goes slow as i learn

in the next release im going to have the option for a default directory to mount from and also to. thanks again for using this software.

----1.3.5 updates ----

now runs with gksu.

----1.3.4 updates ----

A lot of cosmetics fixes in this version

removed the close button and just added a menu item for it

cleaned up some of the files too

gonna call this version a first release

in the tar.gz you will find the make file and everything you need to build it as well as the gpl v1.2 license so removed the install script also removed the older files as i considered the 1.3 version incomplete. --TODO--

requires gtk and gksu

mounter2 is desgined to make mounting iso files much simpler. :-D

Source: README.md, updated 2013-11-06