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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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middleware 2012-07-31
utils.coffee 2012-07-31 2.3 kB
rewrite.coffee 2012-07-31 4.2 kB
capture.coffee 2012-07-31 1.8 kB
proxy.coffee 2012-07-31 3.9 kB
bufferstream.coffee 2012-07-31 5.0 kB
Totals: 6 Items   17.1 kB 0


Mikubify is a Node.js super-webscale kitten-powered Coffeescript-infused evented based streaming miku injecting proxy.

Think CloudFlare, but with Hatsune Miku.

What is it?

This proxy is designed to insert tags, and also rewrite links, headers, cookies, etc so it appears to transparently work as a man in the middle.

It also inserts Miku.

The proxy is designed to run on a wildcard domain *.SUFFIX_DOMAIN, and everything are rewritten to match that domain.

To support HTTP and HTTPS sites, we use a prefix usually miku. or hatsune..

It currently only support origin sites running on ports :80 and :443.


These can be set by environment variables:

PORT : Port proxy listens on Default: 5000

EXTERNAL_PORT : Port proxy appears to be listening on (eg, the front-end server) Default: 80

SUFFIX_DOMAIN : Domain that is appended when rewritting links Default: 'meowbify.com'

PREFIX_SUBDOMAIN : The subdomain that is prefix to mark http and https sites. Default: "cat" (which means cat. == http, cats. == https).

LOG_FORMAT : Connect Middleware style log format Default: ':method :status :response-time \t:req[Host]:url :user-agent'

Special Thanks

The Mobify Team:

  • @fractaltheory who christened it "Meowbify"
  • @kpeatt who butchered^Hbeautifully altered Mobify's logo in to a Cat
  • @shawnjan8 who squatted the domain
  • @rrjamie who wasted several afternoons of time to write it
  • @mobify whose time and money @rrjamie was wasting
  • @stopnerds for script fixes, and source images
Source: README.md, updated 2012-07-31