Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
src 2024-01-11
install_mendelson_opensource_as4_1.0b35.zip 2024-01-11 73.7 MB
releasenotes.txt 2024-01-11 7.2 kB
install_mendelson_opensource_as4_1.0b35.exe 2024-01-11 129.7 MB
readme.txt 2023-01-11 3.4 kB
Totals: 5 Items   203.4 MB 10
Installation of the mendelson AS4
1. Installation (Windows)
Please download the installer and execute it. You are done with the installation.
Start the AS4.exe 

2. Installation (non Windows)
Please install a JVM for your system, must be >= Java 11.
Please download the mendelson AS4 .zip file from the download server. Extract it.
Set the file as2_start.sh to executable and check if the pathes used in the
script fit your java installation and your system.
Execute ./as2_start.sh

Upgrade of the mendelson AS4
To upgrade the mendelson opensource AS4 from a previous installed version please perform the following steps:

1.Make a backup of the installation directory of the mendelson opensource AS4. If anything happens during the update this backup could be copied over the installation and will restore the full state before the upgrade

2.Delete the jlib directory found below the installation directory. If you keep the jlib/**.jar files and then perform the update you will mix up old and new libs and anything might happen on program start

3.1 Upgrade (Windows) 
Please download the installer, execute it and let it install directly over the existing installation. There are some personal files that must not be overwritten. The installer will perhaps ask if you want to overwrite them (depends on the current state), answer with NO to keep your personal settings.
Afterwards start the mendelson opensource AS4 server. It will perform some database upgrades. If any additional steps are required the program will inform you.

3.2 Upgrade (non-Windows)
Please download the mendelson AS4 .zip archive and extract it directly over the existing installation. 
Please copy the following files from your backup (step 1) to the installation:
*certificates.p12 (your underlaying keystore for encryption and signature)
*jetty10/etc/keystore (your underlaying TLS keystore)
*jetty10/etc/jetty.xml (your receipt web server settings, will not be able before 2023 - please do not edit this file!)
*jetty10/jetty.config (jetty config file - you could edit this file for the HTTP server settings)
*notificationtemplates/* (your personal templates for the mail notification, skip this step if you haven't modified them)
*Modify the start script if required (path to java installation etc)

4. Upgrade from mendelson opensource AS4 b31 or older
The older versions (mendelson opensource AS4 b31 or older) came with an embedded jetty9 HTTP server. This has been replaced by a jetty10 
in the current version. The underlaying jetty10 has to be configured using the client. There is nothing you can use from your formerly 
jetty9 configuration beneath the keystore file as the jetty9 and jetty10 configuration is incompatible!
*Please copy the TLS keystore file jetty9/etc/keystore to jetty10/etc/keystore. 
*Please do NOT copy the jetty9/etc/jetty.xml file somewhere - the structure of this config file has been changed and this configuration file cannot be used any longer.
*Please setup the main configuration values for the underlaying jetty10 in the file jetty10/jetty.config - please do not edit the file jetty10/etc/jetty.xml!
*Delete the jetty9 directory. It might also be required to change your classpath to jetty10/start.jar and jetty10/lib/*.jar if you use an older start script
Source: readme.txt, updated 2023-01-11