Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2018-10-14 7.3 kB
magiccube3_1.3_amd64.deb 2018-10-14 11.9 MB
MagicCubeSetup.exe 2018-10-14 8.0 MB
MagicCube3_1.2_amd64.deb 2018-09-25 8.0 MB
Totals: 4 Items   27.8 MB 0
Magic cube program 
    Copyright (c) 2018, Astrid Geck, all rights reserved. 

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

  Startup parameters

With the MagicCube program you can visualize the movements of a magic cube in 3D.
You can command movements in the usual notation interactively and load sequences 
of movements.
You can store the state of the actual cube and the performed movements.

You can also randomly disturb the cube and reset or solve it.
The provided solutions are based on layer by layer algorithms for beginners,no speed 
cube algorithms.

The program has three windows, the 3D windows with the cube visualization with frontside
and the backside view and the console window. All commands are entered via the 3D windows. 
Help, information and error messages are provided in the console window.

The cube can be in three modes (for Rubiks and CT mode see references below!):
 0 = the classic, Rubiks mode with colours,
 1 = the CT mode with characters that in the solution form three-letter abbreviations 
     from the IT world,
 2 = the puzzle mode with images on each side of the cube.
If you don't like the images in puzzle mode you can exchange them by quadratic images of the 
same or smaller size.

The program does NOT connect to the internet and does not store any personal data, but only 
on command of the user the actual state of the cube or the performed movements.

For the Rubiks cube in general:

For the CT cube:

For the solution algorithms:


MagicCube program
Copyright (c) 2018 Astrid Geck
All rights reserved.
This program is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, see GPL3_LICENSE.TXT.

The MagicCube program uses two open source libraries:

1) Visualization Library

Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Michele Bosi, All rights reserved.

The library is provided with the license as written in VisualizationLibrary_LICENSE.TXT.

Two modifications have been applied to the original library, 
1) in file GeometryPrimitives.cpp, to ease colouring of boxes used as sub cubes.
2) in file Applet.cpp to change the location where screenshots are stored:
   from the program directory - often only accessible with administrator rights - to the 
   user home directory.
Source code of the library is provided as zip-file together with the source code of the 
MagicCube program.

2) QT4 Library

Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd, All rights reserved.

The library is provided under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 
of the License as published by the Free Software Foundation, see QT4_LGPLv3_LICENSE.TXT.

No modification has been applied to the library. Source code of the library is provided as 
zip-file together with the source code of the MagicCube program.

Startup parameters
You can set the  program language (English or German) and inital cube mode in the ini-file 
MagicCube.ini. If no language setting is provided in the ini-file and the system language 
is English or German, the system language is taken. The default language is English. The 
default mode is Rubiks mode.

Under Windows the program language is set during installation in the ini-file.

You can set the initial cube mode as command line parameter (overwriting the setting in the 

startMC [<n>]

with n= 0 for Rubiks mode, =1 for CT mode and =2 for puzzle mode.

1) Fonts or images not found at startup: Always start the program via startMC.exe (Windows) 
   or startMC.sh (Linux), to set the path to the resource files correctly!
2) The program terminates directly after start: probably the program does not find all needed
   DLLs/shared libraries.

   Under Windows you need the DLLs from the visualization library provided with the magic 
   cube program installation (libVLCore.dll, libVLGraphics.dll and libVLQt4.dll), the DLLs 
   from the QT4 library provided with the magic cube program  installation (Qt4Core.dll, 
   Qt4Gui.dll, QTopenGl4.dll and lpwinpthread-1.dll) and the opengl32 DLL (typically found 
   in C:\Windows\System32 and thus in the Windows search path).

   Under Linux you need the shared libraries for the Visualization library provided with the
   magic cube program  installation (libVLCore.so, libVLGraphics.so and libVLQt4.so), the 
   shared libraries from the QT4 library (libQt4Core.so, libQt4Gui.so, libQtSVG.so and 
   libQtOpenGL4.so) provided with the magic cube program installation and libegl1-mesa, 
   libc6 and libstdc++6 (typically already installed on your system). The program and 
   the Visualization Library libs are compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0, thus you 
   can run them as well with stdlibc++6 from GCC 4.6 as from newer GCC versions.

3) Under Windows return from full screen mode does not work reliably. This problem may 
   depend on graphic card capabilities. Under Windows 7 switching back to normal window 
   mode may results in a black screen. Activation of task manager with <Ctrl><Alt><Del>
   resets to normal window mode, but the 3D windows content is no more updated. Under 
   Windows 10 switching back to normal window may result in queer flickering pixel errors 
   all over the screen. This can be repaired by activating system settings to change 
   the display resolution. The problem also occurs with the Visualization Library examples

4) Under Linux you get an error message

   libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.6.21
   libpng warning: Application  is  running with png.c from libpng-1.2.56
   libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library

   Also the icon of the application is not shown.

   The program does not use the version of the QT library as provided with the
   installation, but a newer version installed on your system: use startMC.sh as
The program has been tested under Windows 10, Windows 7, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04.05
(only version 1.1) and Ubuntu 18.04 (version >= 1.2).
Source: readme.txt, updated 2018-10-14