Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
lynx.tar.gz 2014-11-10 34.0 kB
setup.py 2014-11-10 490 Bytes
MANIFEST.in 2014-11-10 54 Bytes
README.md 2014-11-10 1.2 kB
lynx.py 2014-11-10 2.8 kB
LICENSE 2014-11-10 1.1 kB
Totals: 6 Items   39.6 kB 0


Simple python configuration library and format. The format is very similar to YAML with the enhancment of sections.


Install the lynx package with pip:

pip install lynx

Example use

Configuration example:

# section example
section {
    # fields
    field1: myfield1 value
    field2: Another field value

    # lists
    mylist: [5, mystr, value, 8]

# Another section
section2 {

    # sub section example
    my_section {
        name: lynx

    # sections can have same name.  
    my_section {
        Library description: Python configuration library

Load the configuration:

>>> import lynx

# Load file
>>> with open("config.conf", "r") as fp:
...     config = lynx.load(fp)

# Get the first section
>>> config[0].name()
>>> config[0].fields()
{'field2': 'Another field value', 'field1': 'myfield1 value', 'mylist': ['5', ' mystr', ' value', ' 8']}

# Get sub sections
>>> config[1].sub_sections()
[<lynx.Section object at 0x7f4ab28dfdd0>, <lynx.Section object at 0x7f4ab28dfe10>]
>>> config[1].sub_sections()[0].name()


Features include: * Sections * Sub sections * String fields * Lists

Source: README.md, updated 2014-11-10