Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Login-1.320.tar.bz2 2020-06-07 82.1 kB
README.md 2020-02-18 3.5 kB
Login-1.319.tar.bz2 2019-05-18 82.1 kB
Login-0.318.tar.bz2 2018-09-18 36.1 kB
Login-0.316.tar.bz2 2018-02-15 25.2 kB
Login-0.310.tar.bz2 2016-10-04 24.9 kB
Login-0.300.tar.bz2 2016-06-17 24.7 kB
Totals: 7 Items   278.6 kB 2

LoginApp provides X display management. User authentication is performed with either a username/password or via a SmartCard based authentication mechanism that operates alongside OpenSSH configured to use an authorized_keys file. The latter method allows a user who can logon remotely via OpenSSH with a SmartCard to also employ the same configuration for local authentication.


  • mGSTEP 1.93 or later (requires GCC with Objective-C or LLVM clang)

SmartCard support adds the following minimum requirements (if enabled):

  • OpenSC 0.19
  • OpenSSH 7.6
  • OpenSSL 1.0.2
  • ccid 1.4.19
  • pcsc-lite 1.18.24

Hardware requirements for SmartCard support:

  • Cryptographic SmartCard supported by the OpenSC PKCS#11 module
  • SmartCard reader supported by pcsc-lite

Known Issues

  • User mapping from a SmartCard's certificates is not yet implemented.
  • UI error handling is minimal and does not allow pin unlock ...etc.
  • PKCS#11 modules from commercial SmartCard middleware are untested.


X server path and launch parameters can be tuned by editing the header file Login.h prior to building LoginApp.

** 1) Set mGSTEP environment (mGSTEP shared libs should be installed) **

  $ export MGSTEP_ROOT=/<mgstep-install-path-or-built-source-tree>

** 2) Build and configure LoginApp **

  $ make

** 3) Test command line launch of LoginApp and the X server: **

  $ sudo -E ./Login.app/Login

** With SmartCard support enabled: **

Install OpenSSL, OpenSSH, ccid, pcsc-lite and OpenSC before performing build step #2.

** 4) Launch the pcsc-lite daemon in debug mode: **

  $ sudo /usr/local/sbin/pcscd --foreground -d

** 5) Insert an issued/personalized SmarCard into your SC reader and list its public keys in the OpenSSH authorized_keys file format: **

  $ ssh-keygen -D /usr/local/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so -e

** 6) Copy a key from the list in step #5 to the OpenSSH user's authorized_keys file or a system wide alternative.** This is usually the first public key for which the SC has a private key.

** 7) Test launch as in step #3 but enter the SmartCard's pin instead of the user's password. ** LoginApp will indicate it is in SmartCard mode when its panel logo changes to a SC contacts image. Switch back to User/Password mode by removing the SmartCard.


LoginApp is typically run by the system's init with an /etc/inittab entry similar to the following example:

** x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/Login.app/Login -mgstep "/usr/mGSTEP" >& /dev/console**


SmartCard support relies on the established OpenSSH authorized_keys file authentication mechanism. LoginApp runs locally so private key storage is restricted to a cryptographic SmartCard. The logon sequence is then:

  • SmartCard is inserted and its public keys / certificates are extracted.
  • User initiates logon sequence by entering a username and the SmartCard pin.
  • OpenSSH authorized_keys file is searched for a match of the public keys.
  • If a matched public key is found that key is signed with OpenSSL.
  • OpenSSL redirects signing to the SmartCard which uses its private key.
  • OpenSSL verifies the resulting signature with the public key.

Any failure during the aforementioned steps terminates the logon sequence.

Building on OpenBSD 6.3 requires gcc 4.9, then build with:

  $ CC=/usr/local/bin/egcc make
Source: README.md, updated 2020-02-18