Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Lissajous bin.zip 2017-10-14 2.4 kB
Lissajous asm.zip 2017-10-14 11.0 kB
Lissajous.BIN 2017-10-14 3.4 kB
README.txt 2017-10-14 1.2 kB
Lissajous.ASM 2017-10-14 34.5 kB
Totals: 5 Items   52.4 kB 0
  This is a short bootable computer program. Because it is Bootable, it can only start running when the computer boots. 
  It animates some lissajous figures. Of course it runs by itself without an operating system. But it uses Bios to boot and then to set a screen mode.
Pressing the Space Bar several times cycles through about 30 Lissajous figures.

  Bios setup has to be adjusted so that booting your programs with either DVD or USB works Before the hard drive, hard drive should be last.

  In general one can boot bootable computer programs either from a DVD, or preferably from an empty USB Memory stick.
  Though it can be burnt to DVD and called a Bootable image file, 
  I prefer to use my own program "Booting-aids_3" and a USB Memory stick.
  In that case giving the memory stick a Volume Label of the word "FINDING" and saving the program onto it as a normal binary file.

  The Asm file is complete source code to be compiled by the Fasmw assembler. 

In the Asm file, there is an interesting example of switching the computer into 64 bit Long mode. 
It is interesting because the computer is easily switched back and forth many times between 16 bit and 64 bit modes.
Source: README.txt, updated 2017-10-14