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kieker-webgui-1.8_sources.zip 2013-10-16 10.6 MB
kieker-webgui-1.8_sources.tar.gz 2013-10-16 9.3 MB
md5sums.txt 2013-10-16 264 Bytes
kieker-webgui-1.8_binaries.zip 2013-10-16 39.0 MB
kieker-webgui-1.8_binaries.tar.gz 2013-10-16 35.0 MB
Totals: 5 Items   93.8 MB 0
This document summarizes changes made in all releases starting with 0.90.

Starting with version 1.4, the Kieker ticket system (accessible via 
http://kieker-monitoring.net) contains details on the changes.

Please refer to the Kieker User Guide for details on using Kieker.

* 1.8 (October 16, 2013)
- New features (selection)
  - Data Bridge: Facility to connect Kieker's Java core with other platforms
  - New reader plugin that provides the current system time in regular intervals
  - New TCP writer and reader
  - Acceleration/slow-down factor for real-time replayer
- Minor changes to the record API 
  - Additional method for binary (de)serialization
  - `TYPES` field now public 
  - Many record types no longer `final` (eases custom extensions)
- Bug fixes and improvements to code, performance, tests, build scripts, 
  documentation, examples
- Various improvements to the WebGUI (see separate `HISTORY` file)

* 1.7 (April 17, 2013)
- Major changes
  - Adaptive monitoring: extended set of (de)activation patterns to 
    support adaptive monitoring for custom probes. Before: limited 
    to (de)activate monitoring for operation signature patterns.
  - New file system writers supporting (ZIP) compression
  - Minor modifications to the Kieker.Analysis API:
    1. Removed the `register` methods. Registration now implicit by 
       passing context information to the plugin constructors. 
       A legacy mode for the previous API is included in this version.
    2. Analysis projects can now have properties available to the plugins.
  - Bug fixes and improvements to code, tests, documentation, examples
  - Various improvements to the WebGUI (see separate `HISTORY` file)
- Infrastructure:
  - Kieker releases now also published via Maven Central Repository
  - Completely redesigned web site: http://kieker-monitoring.net
  - Live demo at http://demo.kieker-monitoring.net

* 1.6 (October 17, 2012)
- Major changes
  - Web-based UI for editing and running analysis projects (beta version)
  - Adaptive monitoring: (De)activate monitoring on method signature level 
    at runtime based on signature patterns
  - Restructured and extended graph/visualization filters (trace coloring, 
    tooltips etc.)
  - Log rotation for file system writer
  - Logging API: SLF4J support and logger selection via JVM argument
  - Many new AspectJ-based probes for detailed event-based tracing
  - Refactored realtime replayer based on new re-usable filters (realtime delay,
    record logger etc.)
  - Java EE example: Now included in core binary release archive and based 
    on MyBatis JPetStore deployed to Jetty server
  - Definition of configuration properties and default values for analysis 
    plugins and repositories now annotation-based
  - Removed legacy control servlet (JMX interface should be used instead)
- Quality
  - Bug fixes
  - Added a number of (JUnit) tests

* 1.5 (April 13, 2012)
- Major new features
  - Completely reworked pipe-and-filter framework in Kieker.Analysis
   - Use of Java annotations to specify plugins, repositories, 
     input/output ports etc.
   - Support for multiple readers
   - Load and save configurations from/to .kax files 
     (based on a new meta-model specified using Ecore)
   - Basic tools to execute/visualize .kax files
  - New database writer/reader supporting arbitrary record types
  - Support for immutable record types
  - New binary filesystem writer/reader
  - New print stream writer
  - New re-usable filters (tee, counting, timestamp etc.)
  - Complete method signatures used in probes/records for control-flow tracing
  - New record types/probes for event-based tracing 
    (method call, entry, exit etc.)
  - Re-enabled Java 5 support
  - Removed dependency to commons.logging
  - Additional Kieker Jar usable as javaagent for AspectJ-based instrumentation
- Quality
  - Bug fixes
  - Added a number of (JUnit) tests

* 1.4 (October 14, 2011)
- Features:
  - JMX monitoring reader and writer
  - JMS support for ActiveMQ and HornetQ (in addition to OpenJMS)
  - Enable/disable flushing of FS Writers
  - Configurable shutdown delay for asynchronous writers
  - Configurable Servlet parameters for periodic samplers
  - Direct support for asynchronous analysis
  - Java 5 no longer supported
  - Refined Microbenchmark (+ SPEC macro-benchmark configuration)
- Bug fixes/Improvements to sources and documentation
  - Code quality
    - Code cleanup
    - Coding conventions
    - Javadoc cleanup
    - Integrated static analysis tools Findbugs, Checkstyle, and PMD
    - Integrated test coverage tool
    - Resolved Java warnings 
  - Licensing
    - Added license headers to source files
    - Added licenses for third-party libs 
  - Documentation
    - Extended Java EE Servlet container example to Windows
    - Fixes in user guide (examples)
    - Extended JMS example to ActiveMQ and HornetQ (including Windows)
  - Release archives
    - Eclipse project files (Kieker project can be imported without copying the 
      default files) 

* 1.3 (May 19, 2011)
- Added support for periodic samplers
- Added support for monitoring system-level statistics based on the Sigar API
- MonitoringController no longer restricted to singleton instance
- Added support for custom time sources
- Improved configuration management
- Added named pipe reader/writer (for passing monitoring records directly within 
  same JVM)
- MonitoringController accessible as JMX MBean
- API changes
  - The format of the kieker.monitoring.properties changed!
  - Custom writers will need to be adjusted to a changed interface
  - Minor changes in the MonitoringController interface

* 1.2 (Sep 8, 2010)
- Minor bug-fixes and refactorings 
  (e.g., renaming Kieker.Tpmon/Tpan->Kieker.Monitoring/Analysis )
- Further enancements to trace analysis tool
  (e.g., analysis and visualization features providing software 
   assembly- and deployment-level views)
- Improved documentation, e.g., brand-new user guide with examples!
- Improved Windows support (e.g., wrapper scripts)

* 1.1 (March 04, 2010)
- Improved implementation of trace analysis tool
  - internal meta-model, on-the-fly trace reconstruction, ...
  - Analysis features: Output of reconstructed system model, computation 
    of trace equivalence classes, ...
  - Enhaced visualization features, e.g.,
    - hierarchical dependency graphs (operation-, component-, container-level), 
    - call graphs

* 1.0 (Nov 18, 2009)
- Minor changes to Kieker's architecture
- Bug fixes

* 0.95a (Jul 09, 2009)
- Considerable improvements to Kieker's architecture, e.g.
  - Generalized/extensible monitoring record model (more than executions)
  - Generalized/extensible writer model (more than database and filesystem)
  - Integration of monitoring and analysis data model
- Major refactorings
- First release containing core parts of the analysis component Tpan

* 0.91 (Apr 27, 2009)
- Aspects are in @Aspect style
- Adapted to operate with Java 6
- Maven build support
- Monitoring support for the spring framework with soap, CXF WebService stuff
- More efficient internal data structures and processing
- Distributed monitoring

* 0.6 (Jul 30, 2008)
- Added a new test for load-time weaving without Java annotation using full 

* 0.5 (May 08, 2008)
- first sourceforge release
Source: README, updated 2013-10-15