Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
WCOmoLoris.zip 2019-12-13 20.7 MB
ReadMe.txt 2019-12-13 4.5 kB
WCOmoLoris321-b20191212-j17.jar 2019-12-13 726.1 kB
WCOmoLoris321src-b20191212-j17.jar 2019-12-13 597.6 kB
WCOmoLorisTest321-b20191212-j17.jar 2019-12-13 112.5 kB
WCOmoCSGjme321-b20191021-j17.jar 2019-10-22 82.8 kB
WCOmoLoris321-b20191021-j17.jar 2019-10-22 713.1 kB
WCOmoLoris321src-b20191021-j17.jar 2019-10-22 592.7 kB
WCOmoLorisTest321-b20191021-j17.jar 2019-10-22 111.7 kB
WCOmoCSGjme321-b20181115-j17.jar 2018-11-16 81.9 kB
WCOmoCSGjme321-b20181115-j17-src.jar 2018-11-16 75.9 kB
WCOmoLoris321-b20181115-j17-src.jar 2018-11-16 608.1 kB
WCOmoLoris321-b20181115-j17.jar 2018-11-16 576.3 kB
WCOmoLoristest321-b20181115-j17.jar 2018-11-16 69.8 kB
Totals: 14 Items   25.0 MB 0
WCOmohundro - jMonkey3 Loris GUI - 

*** Build 2019/12/12 ***
--	A Window is now a Dialog without the Dialog event interceptor
--	Better tab handling for elements scrolled out of view
--	Fix loss-of-focus problems when altTab used to select different window
--  Keep elements hidden while they are resizing to avoid flicker
--	Better key filter handling of NumPad keys

jMonkey LorisGUI core classes -> WCOmoLoris321-b20191212-j17.jar.
jMonkey LorisGUI test classes -> WCOmoLorisTest321-b20191212-j17.jar
jMonkey LorisGUI source       -> WCOmoLoris321src-b20191212-j17.jar
jme3 XML extensions           -> WCOmoCSGjme321-b20191021-j17.jar.

*** Build 2019/10/21 ***
This is the second BETA release (v0.93)

--  Fix 'assert initial display state' if the control happens to be disabled.
--  Fix mouse hit detection for GUI viewports that are not full size.
    (This includes adjusting the inherent size of a Screen if it has been
     scaled in 2D)
--  With support of mini-viewports, allow multiple contexts to be visible
    at the same time (still have a primary 'active' input context)
    This requires an update to the control constructors signatures.
--  Create Displayable for Views that can display Model data, but which
    do NOT interact with the end user (ergo, not quite an Interactable)
--  New model support for StringField, to provide 'new entry' with
    color and font selection and scrolling auto-positioning
--  scrollbarAlwaysVisible='true/false' option for TextBlock and ScrollPanel
--  EnumReflector now exists to support Enum on model side with String on visual side
--  'nothing selected' display string option for DropDown
--  Repair TextComponent text position problem if resize with same text
--  Support per-Viewable element logging configurable from XML
--  Ensure all 'group' elements support dynamic add/remove of GroupItem
--  Remove focus from disabled TextEntry
--  ScrollPanel restructured to standardize how ScrollingLayout is configured
--  Allow suppressed slider on a ScrollPanel, which allows 'first visible' to pick
    the section of the panel that is actively displayed
--  Detect an unstyled child being added to a styled parent, and auto-apply style
--  Better DataField support for multiple Reflectors so that all reflectors see any change
--  DataMonitor for tracking changes in a DataField within the Model side itself
--  All ViewElements can now be marked Active/Inactive (handy for stateful Labels)
--  Expanded FieldDecorators (including localization support)
--  Major rework to better separate View data versus Model data processing
--  Support using the Loris input dispatching for non-GUI event handling
--  Major rework of event handling and EventFilter, includes <esc>
jMonkey LorisGUI core classes -> WCOmoLoris321-b20191021-j17.jar.
jme3 XML extensions           -> WCOmoCSGjme321-b20191021-j17.jar.
jMonkey LorisGUI test classes -> WCOmoLoristest321-b20191021-j17.jar

*** Build 2018/11/15 ***
This is the initial BETA release.

jMonkeyLorisGUI core classes are available in WCOmoLoris321-b20181115-j17.jar.
These classes require the jme3 XML extensions provided in WCOmoCSGjme321-b20181115-j17.jar.

Test files are not needed to use the Loris GUI elements, but the tests are provided in
WCOmoLoristest321-b20181115-j17.jar.  These tests provide a set of examples and sample
usages of various Loris GUI elements.

A test harness that shows you LorisGUI in action is available in WCOmoLoris.zip.  
Download the .zip, unpack it into a directory, and run the .jar file.  The app will
give you a chance to configure the window and select which test to run.  The test
for "Multiple Screens" has the most examples.

*** BUILD 2018/10/28 ***
jMonkeyLorisGUI core classes are available in WCOmoLoris321-b20181028-j17.jar.
These classes require the jme3 XML extensions provided in WCOmoCSGjme321-b20181019-j17.jar.

Test files are not needed to use the Loris GUI elements, but the tests are provided in
WCOmoLoristest321-b20181028-j17.jar.  These tests provide a set of examples and sample
usages of various Loris GUI elements.

The file WCOmoLoris321.zip can be unzipped into a folder, and the WCOmoLoris.jar found
therein can be 'run' to display some of the Loris elements in action.  The initial 
screen is a sample of Loris elements displayed in 3D.  Use the Numbpad + key to cycle
through various 2D panels.  More information will be coming via the LorisGUI web
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2019-12-13