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Iradina_Jena 2022-05-31
archive 2019-10-23
README.txt 2023-05-12 788 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   788 Bytes 2
This is the web page of Iradina.

There are basically two versions :

1/CEA's version of Iradina with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) designed to do SRIM like calculations
This version is in Iradina_CEA_GRAPHICAL_USER_INTERFACE/
The installation on windows should be automatic with iradiana.*.INSTALL.exe (see also Installation_windows.txt)
Installation Notes for linux (file iradinaGUI*.tgz) are available in Installation_Linux.txt

This development has been made by Jean-Paul Crocombette and Christian Van Wambeke (CEA Saclay, France), under GPL license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Bug reports or proposition of improvements should be addressed to Jean-Paul Crocombette jpcrocombette@cea.fr

2/Jena university's version of Iradina. This is the original version.
Source: README.txt, updated 2023-05-12