Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Screenshot1.JPG 2012-03-27 105.5 kB
Screenshot2.JPG 2012-03-27 106.7 kB
Screenshot3.JPG 2012-03-27 86.6 kB
README 2012-03-27 1.2 kB
infogather-1.0.tgz 2012-03-27 4.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   304.1 kB 0


Infogather was written for centOS/RHEL.  It really isn't desisgned to work with much else.  I can easily add some logic in to make it work with whatever without a whole lot of issues but only if people actually start using it.

Info gather instructions:  Infogather is really simple to use.  I recommend using mooty for deployment purposes and picking up output when you're done.  Simply deploy the tarball and unzip it, and then run getinfo.sh as root.  infogather will then create /root/infogather/ and document your major server configuration items.  More things can be added ore removed pretty easily if you know any html and bash scripting by just copying and pasting chunks of the script.  The output by default is the shorthostname.html.

It documents:

TSM NODE NAME (If you use / have tsm)

OS Revision level (Centos/redhat and forks of them only)

CPU/Mem info and Disk informaiton

iptables rules for systems that utilize /etc/init.d/iptables (centos/rhel/OEL/etc)

TCPWrappers rules

service status (via checkconfig)


It can do anything you want it do obviouslly and if you treat it as a framework instead of a finished product it should be pretty useful. 

Source: README, updated 2012-03-27