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README 2015-01-17 780 Bytes
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This software is a library, more precisely a .NET assembly (INDI.dll) containing a WinForm that interacts with the INDI Client code written in C#, included into the same assembly.

to connect to an INDI server, simply create an instance of the INDIForm, like this:

string address = ""; //default value: "" can omit this parameter
int port = 7624; // default value: 7624 this also can be omitted
INDIForm form = new INDIForm(address, port);

to get Blobs from INDIForm you can use this code:

form.BlobReceived += BlobReceivedCallback;

where "BlobReceivedCallback" is your custom function.

that's all!

There will be a complete documentation in future, until now, you can use this sample code.

Ilia Platone.
Source: README, updated 2015-01-17