Home / DBAdmin-Tools / onweb_10uc1_dec
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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bin 2020-05-11
etc 2020-05-11
html 2020-05-11
images 2020-05-11
local-bin 2020-05-11
sbin 2020-05-11
perl 2019-02-28
httpd 2019-02-28
installonweb 2020-05-11 2.4 kB
README 2020-05-11 1.9 kB
SECURITY 2020-05-11 4.4 kB
Totals: 11 Items   8.7 kB 1
README - onweb.1.00.UC1


ONWeb must be installed on the same machine as the Informix instances
that are to be managed. For Informix 8.21 and Enterprise Decision
servers, ONWeb must be installed on the same node as coserver 1.


        1. As root, stop the ONWeb server:
                <onwebinstalldir>/sbin/onwebctl stop
        2. (Optional) As root, remove the previous ONWeb installation
        3. As root, install the new ONWeb distribution as described below


You should create a directory and copy the ONWeb tar file into
it. Then unpack the tar file:

	cd <installation directory>
	tar xf onweb.1.00.UC1.tar

This file is the README file in the installation directory.

To complete the installation, become root and execute


You must run installonweb on the machine which will run the ONWeb
server. Installation onto network mounted drives may fail if the root
user does not have permission to change ownership and mode of files.

You can start the ONWeb server by running
	sbin/onwebctl start

and stop it with 

	sbin/onwebctl stop

The ONWeb server must be running before users can access ONWeb.

You may want to configure your operating system to start and stop the
ONWeb server whenever the machine is rebooted. The procedure for doing
this is operating-system dependent.

The HTTP server produces logfiles in httpd/var/log.


ONWeb has been tested with the following Informix server versions:

IDS 7.23
IDS 7.24
IDS 7.30
IDS 7.31
IDS w/ AD/XP 8.21
IEDS 8.30
IIF 2000 9.20

ONWeb has been tested on the following platforms:

IBM AIX 4.2.1
IBM AIX 4.3.2
HP HP-UX 10.20
HP HP-UX 11.00
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 4)
Red Hat Linux (kernel 2.2.5, glibc 2.1.1)
Sequent DYNIX/ptx 4.4.2
SNI Reliant Unix 5.43
Sun Solaris 2.5.1
Sun Solaris 2.6
Sun Solaris 2.7

Source: README, updated 2020-05-11