Home / IDAnalyser 1.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
readme 2011-05-24 1.2 kB
IDA.tar.gz 2011-05-24 584.8 kB
batu.parser_1.0.0.jar 2011-05-24 13.0 kB
Totals: 3 Items   599.0 kB 0

This plugin finds all identifiers including classes and methods in current java file. It displays it's type, whether it is complex word, dictionary word etc.

	1. Download batu.parser-1.0.0.jar and IDA.tar.gz
	2. Copy .jar into eclipse plugin directory (default directory is /usr/lib/eclipse)
	3. Uncompress IDA.tar.gz and copy IDA directory into /usr/share/eclipse directory
	4. Restart eclipse
		ID-Analyser menu should appear in new eclipse window

How to USE ID Analyser:
	1. Open a project on which you wish to apply ID Analyser
	2. Select option run
	4. This will create a output.txt file in user's home dirctory
	5. Open output.txt in any text editor

Format of output.txt:

	(2). [add]: 	TYPE=VAR:QJButton;, IS_COMPLEX=false, IS_DIC_WORD=true, PARTS_OF_SPEECH=VERB

	Here number 2 indicates identifier count
	[add]=> add identifier found
	TYPE=VAR:QJButton => identifier type, VAR indicates "add" is variable and its data type is QJButton
	IS_COMPLEX=false => indicates that "add" is not a complex word (e.g. addNumber is a compex word)
	IS_DIC_WORD=true => indicates that "add" is the dictionary word
	PARTS_OF_SPEECH=VERB => indicates that "add" is a Verb

Source: readme, updated 2011-05-24