Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ISE.FreeType 2010-04-21
1.10.404.936 - Alpha 2a 2010-04-06
Archived Releases 2010-02-06
ReadME.txt 2016-02-06 3.8 kB
ISE 4.0 Release DOUBLE Windows.zip 2016-02-05 104.9 MB
Icarus 3.1 - Release.zip 2013-09-25 107.8 MB
ISE-3.0-Introductory-Guide-0.18.pdf 2013-07-05 1.7 MB
Totals: 7 Items   214.5 MB 1
ISE 4.0 Release Notes


Example\   Contains the Examples.exe and the Asset Manager.exe for converting assets (textures & geometry) to .scenex format, and for importing fonts.
			Asset Manager can also create 3D textures and convert textures to compressed format.
			     This folder also includes all the dependent DLLs, including FFMpeg (32bit and 64 bit), DirectInput-related DLLs, Steamworks (for Steam integration) 32 and 64 bit DLLs,
				 and NativeSquish (32 and 64bit DLLs). NativeSquish is used for generating compressed textures.	
				 Sharp.DX is used for Joystick/Gamepad/Flight Control/Steering Wheel input. The native OpenTK joystick function has been dropped in Windows in favour of DirectInput, with XInput (for "proper" Xbox 360 game controller support) due in 4.5.
				 DirectInput was far more expressive, and had device names, axis names, axis "purpose" to make it possible to have a flexible game configuration.
			     .NET Binaries are built for Any CPU, preffering 64bit.

XML\             XML files

Source\          The Source and solution to Build the examples

Shared Assets\

Instructions for 4.0 are available online at icarus.pointscape.com.sg in the support forums. Early for now, but will be built on over time. 

Please report errors/issues at the support forums.

Summary of the MAJOR changes since 3.1 (as there's literally thousands. Backwards compatibility not included, most stuff has been tweaked, but the majority of these should be minor, and not involve a lot of work
The same basic principles of scene structure, rendering objects, lighting, and so on all still apply, there just may be a new parameter here, or one less there)

Support for OpenGL versions prior to 2.0 support has been dropped as non-shader rendering support dropped. All rendering now through shaders only.
.NET 4.5 or later only (for proper 64 bit support).

All textures and geometry should be converted to .scenex, the old .ibc .ibx .ibz formats are still supported, but no longer applicable going forward. Importing from original geometry will be extremely slow, unless the filesize is small.
A full ODE conversion (except Trimesh) is now included, with wrapper functions, starting from the ISE.Physics.Simulation class. Simulations can execute in a background thread.
Steamworks support is included,  integration is currently early, but full access to Steam functions possible through the Steamworks API. Built-in Steam registration and initialisation.
Native 64bit support, assets > 2Gb supported, memmory used by app > 2Gb supported (up to 8Gb tested so far).
Shaders support versions earlier than GLSL3.0 by basically simulating GLSL 3.0-like behaviour (no use of native GLSL100 variables, no use of OpenGL matrices, all custom parameters to maintain easy script compatibility)
Geometry is now indexed, instead of being just raw vertices, reducing space and accelerating rendering.
Shader effects added, with effects shaders for depth filtering, bloom, new lens flare (the old glow lens flare still works), radial blur, and FXAA, with SSAO in the pipeline for 4.5.
DebugCamera for monitoring variables, browsing the loaded texture database.
Soft Shadows
Multi-level shadow map rendering. Render multiple shadow maps for a given light source, to either enhance detail in a given area, or to provide > FOV shadow rendering (e.g. Omni-directional).
Multi-level bump maps (more than 1 bump map at a time, e.g. a Detail bump map, and a high level bump map).
Terrain alpha-blended 2D texture lookups. (uses an RGBA texture to provide a 2D lookup into 4 arrays of textures for fine control of terrain textures), works with regular maps and normal maps. Can have multiple occurances in a single material.

Source: ReadME.txt, updated 2016-02-06